Thursday, December 31, 2020
Lacey Rose DeLucia, 12/23/2020, PD8, Day C
Lacey Rose DeLucia
Modern Mythology
Period 8
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
The current reading was the “Book of Revelation” six to eight for team one. The lamb, who opens the seven seals, in the “Book of Revelation” is supposed to represent Jesus and his dual nature is shown as he brings punishment and chaos upon evil people but he saves the martyrs and servants of God. In this way, as the lamb he has has sacrificed himself to save us but also judges us in the end. However, one part that I would want to know more about is if the martyrs are still waiting because the book said that they must wait till the rest of them were killed in the same way or if their eternal salvation is the form of revenge. This apocalypse and restoration that the stories of the “Book of Revelation” share also applies to the story of Noah’s Ark and how God wiped out everyone but Noah and his family to restart. I like how this concept gives hope to the followers in that they are descendants of the chosen humans and urges them to live the way Noah did for fear of another apocalypse. It was also interesting how numbers played a role in the “Book of Revelation.” There were seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials, representing how the “Book of Revelation” is a collection of various versions of one story. Additionally, number 12 is used consistently as the angels saved 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, which can be interpreted as a sense of perfection or completeness rather than a definite number. I like this interpretation because it makes it seem less like a quota and just further illustrates the perfection in the process of choosing only the loyal followers to survive.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
As a Catholic person, it was interesting to read the Bible from a literary perspective rather than a religious perspective. When I originally read the Bible, I thought that the apocalypse and restoration of the story of Noah’s Ark was more of a one time occurrence far in the past, but reading it along with the “Book of Revelation” with its various versions and ambiguity showed me how this concept extends beyond religious context. It is ironic how humanity is currently at the intersection of several crises not too different from those outlined in the seven seals. Additionally, the “Book of Revelation” aligns with the message of the “Book of Job” as both suffering and a final judgement are inevitable but above all having faith and being authentic to God will lead to eternal salvation. Neither of these books give definite answers for the reasons for suffering or when or how we will be judged, but they do give a somewhat sense of hope in the midst of fear that salvation will be granted for all the followers. I always believed that acting according to the morals of the Catholic faith overshadowed formalities like going to church every Sunday. These books show me that there are no set answers for being a good person, and I continue to believe that having faith and gratitude for God is all that is necessary.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
The ideas of the “Book of Revelation” and the “Book of Job” are applicable to the real world as disasters and suffering can be seen in a more healthy perspective, especially in these times. From these books of the Bible, I believe that obstacles that are specific to an individual at a certain time can be categorized like the suffering of Job as there may be no reason we can understand in the moment but it does make people a better person and have stronger faith in God. Meanwhile, the global hardships we face today, similar to the plague and natural disasters of the seven seals, are a form of the apocalypse from the “Book of Revelation.” It is not necessarily directed at specific people but it has the intent of reminding us that there are aspects of life where we have fallen behind and the tragic disasters have a somewhat positive effect of highlighting what needs to be fixed in society. In this way, we hope that the crises we face are only warnings and that there will be no future apocalypse on the scale of the story of Noah’s Ark.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Kevin Coughlin, Period 8, 12/23/20, Day C
Kevin Coughlin
Modern Mythology
Period 8
At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
I have two main goals that I want to accomplish before the end of the year. I want to finish my last college application, because that is due on January 1st. I only have one left, and it is for my dream school, so I really want to get that done and out of the way as soon as possible. Also, and somewhat counterintuitively, I want to be able to relax, unwind, and really appreciate that this awful year is finally over. Even though virtual school this term may not have been necessarily as rigorous as ‘normal’ school, we have all been in a very high stress situation for the last 10 months and I think that it is very important that we all take this opportunity to unwind. In addition, college applications have been happening over the past month, and i think that makes it even more important to be able to relax for a week.
How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
I’ve been very stressed for the last two months or so. I was finishing my Eagle Scout rank in October and most of November, and then I had to move to college applications because I had an Early Action 12/1 deadline. So, I haven’t really had a chance to settle down for a while. So I think that if I can finish my first goal of finalizing my college application that is left, I will have shown resilience by being able to last this long without a non-stressor period. I also am a chronic procrastinator and I was strongly considering not applying because of the lengthy supplement. If I accomplish the goal of submitting the application, it shows resilience also because I was able to submit it and did not succumb to my lazy nature. I think that it can be difficult to unwind after being wound for so long, so I also think that if I complete the second goal, I will have fully bounced back from the last 2 months. It also will help to end the year on a more positive note.
How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
I think that the pandemic and the other awful things that have happened this year have significantly increased my need for a break. I think that if this year had been more normal, it would have been a necessary break still, but not to the level that it is now. Everything has been made more difficult during the pandemic, so I think that these goals have been made more difficult, but also more important.
Teresa Crisantos, Period 8, 12/23/20, Day C
Teresa Crisantos-Prudencio
Modern Mythology
Period 8
December 21, 2020
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
The most current reading we had was “The Book of Job” which is in the old testament of the Bible. The Book of Job is a book of wisdom alongside the Book of proverbs and Ecclesiastes. What this book tries to teach us is why good people suffer and it also explores the question of whether God is wise and just. This book began by telling us how Job had a good life and was faithful to God. Satan told God that Job was only faithful to him because of all the blessings he had given him. This leads to God making Job suffer and taking everything away from Job. Job remains faithful to God however he questions what he did to deserve this. It is clear that people during this time believed that you got what you deserved based on what Jobs friends said. However by the end of the story it becomes clear that this is not the case. God makes it clear that no one has the wisdom he has and that he does everything for a reason. It is clear from this that bad things happen to everyone but there is a reason for it even if we don't understand it. I believe this book is very important because it shows that the way you respond to hardships is very important. In addition, if you lose sight of your beliefs then it will be very hard for you to get past these hardships. Through this story we also see God’s wisdom because he talks about all the things he has to oversee and manage.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
I think it is important to note that I am Catholic so my perspective for this reading was most likely very different from anyone who is not religious. I had previously read the book of Job from a solely religious view and had not looked at it through a more english view/lens. Something in this reading that really stood out to me is that even if you are not religious the idea that sometimes bad things happen to good people for no reason is probably something widely accepted. I believe many people believe this even if they are not religious. This story is always one that reinforces my belief that even when bad things are happening if you truly have faith you can get through anything. In addition this story makes me think about how you respond to hardships is very important. I have always perceived hardships as something that is meant to make you stronger and to learn and not necessarily all bad. I also believe that if you put your trust in God everything will work out in the end.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
What I’ve learned in this reading can be applied to the world around me because I have always believed that there is not always a cause for your hardships but that the experience of them is more valuable. I have always thought that whether something good or bad happens in the world there is always a reason even if we can't understand it at the moment. This is mostly because I believe in God and that there is always a bigger purpose for everything in this life. This reading can also be applied to the world around us because you can't dwell on the things you lost or are going through rather you have to make the most of whatever you have. It is also important not to blame yourself when bad things happen as many times it is out of your control. One big example would be the pandemic as nobody directly caused it and we can only do our parts and hope everyone else does as well.
Derek Dong, Period 5, 12/22/20, Day B
Period 5
Modern Mythology 2021
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
Our most current reading was the Book of Job. The story in the Book of Job centered around the life of Job and a debate between Satan and God. Job had always lived a wealthy and peaceful life, avoiding to commit any sin or evil. Satan believed that Job was only good because of the great life that God blessed him for. If he took away all the good in Job’s life, he would curse God instead. Satan did exactly just that and Job was in great pain and suffering as a result. Job’s friends began to question his faith, but he kept his faith even though he really wanted to complain to God for what happened to him. God finally came to him and showed him all the unlimited power that God had. Job also realized that his knowledge of the world was very limited in comparison. God returned twice of what Job had previously because of his realization.
One of the most important themes of the Book of Job was the suffering of the good people. When Satan took everything away from Job, he began to question what he had done to deserve the suffering and why should a human, who had done nothing but good, ever be punished. But after being shown by God what he didn’t know, Job realized that sometimes there simply wouldn’t be an explanation for why certain things happened. Instead of asking “why me”, ask “why not.” When people keep trying to pursue reasons for why bad things happen to them, it is very easy for them to lose themselves in anger. However, if we just believe that they happen for a reason naturally and look ahead to the future instead of the past, it will be a lot easier for us to move on from bad events.At the end of the story, God rewarded Job at the end of keeping his faith. But it can be controversial because in real life, we often are not rewarded even if we go through a period of suffering.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception?
The idea of many things in life happened naturally was just introduced to me recently and it definitely changed my perception of how I view many of the challenges and hardships that I have faced previously in my life. In the past, I often questioned why I needed to go through the things I have gone through or why bad things happened in life. I would ask “why me”. However, with the perspective that things happen naturally and for a reason, I am now able to look back at the things that happened in a very different way. It gives me a lot more positive outlook on my life. It also helps me focus on the many lessons that I have learned from those tough times.
How is what you’re learned applied to any classes/the world around you?
The Book of Job presents us the idea that instead of pursuing the reason for people suffering, people need to realize that many things in life are out of our control and happen naturally. With this lesson in mind, people can have a more positive outlook on events that have happened in life. For example, it is very easy for people to lose motivation because of the ongoing pandemic. But by having a more positive view on everything that is happening around us, we can navigate through these tough times. Having a more positive mindset can also keep us mentally healthy. In a time when it is very hard for everyone to stay healthy mentally with quarantine, lack of social interactions, and even potentially the loss of loved ones or those that we care about, it is important more than ever to stay positive in order to keep ourselves healthy.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Eddie Chi, Pd 2, 12/21/2020, Day A
Reading & Learning
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
Our most current reading was "The Book of Job." The book was about how God punished Job for no reason other than the fact that he could. But even after all this mistreatment God directed at Job, Job still stayed faithful to God. He believed that God gave him all of the things he has in his world so he also has the right to take them away. Job was righteous till the end. I'm not religious myself, but this reading showed me a different point of view. The book wants its readers to use it as a justification for why bad things happen to good people. In a way, this is true. There isn't really a reason why bad things happen to good people other than it just happens. Since most readers of the book are religious, they believe in God and what happens in their lives is entirely based on him. If they stay righteous towards God and continue to worship him even though their lives are in peril, they would eventually be rewarded, just like Job was. The way they reacted to this mistreatment made them good people, something I agree with as well. The way you react to bad things in your lives is what makes you a good/bad person.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
"The Book of Job" is definitely making me more open to the idea of an upper being. I went to church like once in my life and I've learned of David and Goliath from a pastor. This experience made me understand how some people believe in this God. There are stories that have so much support and the moral values that you can get from them are timeless. This reading specifically makes me think of my choices more. The way you act towards the bad things that happen in your life will decide whether or not you are a good person or not. In a way, bad things happen to everyone. Especially in our society right now with coronavirus. There are millions of people who are being affected by this, both good or bad. But the people who neglect others' safety and wellbeing by rejecting science and not wearing makes are truly bad in this situation. This reading changes the way I think of my outcomes and others. It makes me warier of the consequences of my actions and my perception of my reaction towards bad things in my life.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Jenny Cheung, Pd 2, 12/21/2020, Day A
Jenny Cheung, Pd 2, 12/20/2020, Day A
Reading & Learning
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
Right now, our topic revolves around religion, specifically Christianity. I have never read the Bible nor am very knowledgable about it as well. As an atheist, I have an outside perspective on Christianity because of the high percentage of religious people in the US, which is kind of like looking into a window from outside a house. Reading excerpts from religious texts gives a different insight on the thought processes of Christians. While these excerpts don't give the whole picture, they are interesting in how they portray the apocalypse as the downfall of humanity (specifically the heritics/atheists) in the Book of Revelations. It is a bit confusing without the context of what triggered the end of the world and how life will continue after it but the scene is awe-inducing when describing the monsters (4 horsemen of the apocalypse) and the hell rained down upon Earth (the angels blowing the trumpets). The use of the word "Lamb" is also interesting because the Lamb is Jesus Christ who will lead the true believers to safety considering the connotations of the word. Lamb are the young of sheep which are constantly metaphors to describe people who follow and not lead and serves to demonstrate how words have different meanings that shift over time (i.e, awesome).
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
Learning not just about the Book of Revelations but also the Book of Job, it really does give a new context and light on the morals and values of Christians but also how the values of Christianity have shifted over time (or just in the ways people interpret the religious texts). It can give valuable insight on current events and gives a different perspective. Through a new perspective, you can understand people through a deeper level and connect with them. For example, learning about the Book of Job and the deeper connection people have with their faith allows me to understand more about why people can have such a deep attachment to it. Job never curses out God after having horrible things happen to him in a test to shake his faith and fails to understand why it happened to him. God's answer is to speak to him in a storm and tell him that he will never understand what he does because God is omnipotent and the creator of wonderous things that humans will never know of. This satifies Job and he goes on to have a fufilling life where all his material goods are restored by twicefold. I don't have this deep connection to my faith but through this reading it has helped me understand why some people's faiths are unshakeable and what exactly they believe in.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
The morals and lessons taught in these books are commonplace as religious allegories and allusions are featured heavily in contemporary times. Learning about the source material serves to give a deeper understanding to these allegories and allusions and shine a different light on them. Also, (although this is a very niche problem) it is almost ironic to see evangelical Christians give their takes on the election results because of how they almost weaponize their faith to protest election results and how they promise an apocalypse almost like the one described in the Book of Job due to the new president-elect. While just a small population of people, there has been always been a very loud minority of people who interpret original readings to fit their own views in order to weaponize their faith or to use it for the betterment of people.
Dilhara DeSilva, Period 5, 12/22/20, Day B
Dilhara DeSilva
Period 5
Modern Mythology 2021
At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
It may not seem like much but three months is a long time. When I first responded to this prompt, I was very driven towards pushing myself to be the best student and athlete I could possibly be. While I still value both my academic and athletic careers, these aren’t the most important aspects of my life at this current point in time. As the holidays draw closer, my priorities shift towards focusing on my family and mental well-being. This crazy year influenced me to live a life that I wasn’t too fond of, relying on a daily routine to get through the day. I was so absorbed in my day-to-day schedule that it was difficult for me to take notice of the things going on around me. It took a toll on my mental health as I found myself not being as happy and content as I usually am. After coming to this realization, I set a goal to enjoy a stress-free holiday season. For some, this goal may seem impossible to achieve, considering that the holiday season is usually when people are the most anxious. I’m eager to see how things unfold, understanding that this goal of mine ensures that I end the year on a good note, feeling good about myself and what I was able to accomplish.
How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
Achieving this goal is of the uttermost importance to me. As bad as 2020 has been, I want to think back knowing that there were some splendid times during that year. To begin with, I have been working towards bettering my state of mind. I have avoided situations that overwhelm me, most of them being school-related. Being on top of my work and being prepared for class has taken off the pressure that I usually feel since teachers tend to assign more work and tests right before the Christmas break. With college applications due in the beginning of January, I have proactively finished them all with about a week and a half to spare. Apart from this, I have also been spending a lot more time with my family because there is never a dull moment when I am around them. By doing these things, I have felt a lot happier and satisfied with the position I have put myself in heading into the holiday season.
How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
The world could throw whatever it wants at me and it still wouldn’t affect my perception of this goal. I’ve prepared and done everything right up to this point in time so I am blissfully ready to enjoy Christmas, New Year’s Day, and to move on to 2021. Sure, something might come up out of the blue and try to put an end to my dreams (which will most likely happen with my luck) but as long as I have faith and resilience, no obstacle is too big to overcome.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Melanie Choe, 12/17/2020, PD8, Day C
Period 8
Modern Mythology 2021
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
Our most recent assignment was to watch two videos on the Ancient Egyptians’ perception of the dead and the traditions they practice. Going into the videos, all I knew was that the Ancient Egyptians viewed their Pharaohs as divine beings and the closest connection to the gods. However watching the videos taught me how a main focus in their lives was the quest for immortality and “life” in the afterlife. It was really interesting to learn about how “life” in the afterlife affected the living through the demonstration of the Pharaoh’s journey which connected to the sun’s path in the sky. It was also interesting to learn about the emphasis on purity because of how it significantly impacted their lifestyles and decisions. The pressure of having their heart being weighed against the feather of Maat in the afterlife allowed me to understand why they seemed to live their lives solely for the possibility of a peaceful afterlife.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
My critical perception of the world has been influenced by these opportunities to learn about other cultures and the depth of people’s beliefs. Learning about certain cultures allow me to grasp a larger understanding behind people’s actions and decisions. Personally, my religious beliefs really just rely on the possibility that all of these people and places could be real not by the belief that they definitely are real. So it is interesting to see how the devotion behind a certain belief and tradition could influence one’s lifestyle and motive. This learning has allowed me to reflect on my own perceptions of life. For example, this comparison of my life that is not dictated by religion to an entire society whose afterlife was dependent on how they chose to live is something that I have never thought before.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
The general knowledge that different cultures and belief systems can influence an individual’s lifestyle connects to the emotion of sonder that I often find myself feeling. Sonder is this realization that everyone you see has their own complex life and is living a life just as vivid and complex as your own. All these lives can vary in their connection to religion and culture whether it is the one they associate with. And what I am learning in this class allows me to further understand the different aspects of humanity and the various perspectives we get to hear from.
Bella Chen, 12/15/2020, PD8, Day C
Period 8
Modern Mythology
At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
My goals are to be a more organized person and to improve my confidence and leadership skills. I always feel like I can’t focus at times and dates and times rarely stay in my head. Most importantly, my previous attempts to keep an agenda or to-do list did not turn out how I hoped they would. Not knowing what or how much needs to be done sometimes has led to my developing anxiety. I hate this anxious feeling and dread, and I want to do my best to help move myself from this. Additionally, I want to grow as a leader. I start group exercises and talks more often than not, but I don’t just want to be an instigator. I want to have the confidence to continue leading my group when conversations fall short and others refuse to talk.
How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
As much as my previous failed attempts change me, I don’t want to give up on my goal. I recognize now that just telling myself to keep an agenda will not be enough, and I’m trying to motivate myself and constantly remind myself to write things down. So far, I’ve taken to having post-it notes instead of an agenda. They’re always in my pocket with a pen, and when I realize I have a task, I write a little bullet point. It’s still messy and cluttered, but at least now I can see everything and not forget them. I am building my confidence and practicing my leadership in group calls with friends and in my group for forensics class. My forensics group prefers silence, and I want to try keeping the conversation up and moving forward, especially since our teacher pops into breakout rooms to make sure we are talking.
How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
The world around me definitely affects my perception of my goal. Especially in today’s society and at my age, a senior in highschool applying to colleges, the tasks and responsibilities expected of us are many and growing the farther we go into the year. These are some of the most anxious times for a teenager, and I feel like it motivates me even more to achieve my goals because of how sorely needed organization, confidence, and good leadership is. I need to shift my focus to achieving my goals, because to not do so would be letting myself drown in the growing anxiety.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Willie Chen, Period 5, 12/16/20
Willie Chen
Period 5
Modern Mythology 2021
Prior to our previous class, we were assigned two videos to watch, which described the Book of the Dead, the history of Ancient Egyptian burial practices, and the archaeological history of the Egyptian ruins. A key aspect of Ancient Egyptian burial practices was the Book of the Dead, a papyrus scroll that served essentially as a guide to make it through the trials and dangers of the afterlife to achieve the ultimate goal: eternal happiness in the field of reeds. The idea of an eternal paradise after death is present throughout the world in a vast array of cultures, but the Book of the Dead sets Ancient Egypt apart from the rest, as the knowledge it contained was considered necessary for a soul to survive its journey through the afterlife.
An interesting aspect about the Book of the Dead was that it was often customized by those who could afford to do so, meaning that the wealthier a client was, the more spells and magic they could imbue in their scroll. In addition to the use of Shabti, which were dolls bought to perform the labor of the owner in the afterlife, the monetary customization of the Book of the Dead illustrates the association of wealth and status with Egyptian beliefs about death. The expensiveness of tombs, scrolls, and various accessories that were thought to aid souls on their journey through the afterlife makes it clear that the Egyptian paradise was achieved by wealth, often restricting it to the upper class. Even still, the utmost importance of the afterlife in Egyptian culture persisted among the lower classes, who buried their dead near the tombs of kings or elites in hopes of using the pathways of the upper class to achieve their goal. The difficulty and allure of the afterlife made it a crucial aspect of Egyptian life, likely making it the life goal of many Ancient Egyptians.
Although I do not believe in any life after death, I can empathize with the importance that the Ancient Egyptians placed on burial practices and preparation for death. As depicted by one of the videos, the Ancient Egyptians’ efforts to ensure their success in the afterlife could border on obsession, which reflects a sentiment in modern society. The attitude of the Egyptians can be seen in our lives today, with death being replaced by employment, retirement, and the most topically relevant to us all, college applications. For many of us, we’ve spent much of our childhoods sitting in tutoring centers after school, on Saturdays, and on school breaks. What for? The general progression seems to go like this: to get into a good middle school, then a good high school, then a good college, then a good job, and finally retirement. There always seems to always be an emphasis on what comes next, and for Egyptians, eternal happiness in the Field of Reeds was simply another, albeit last, step in that process. This concern is depicted in the video’s portrayal of Ani’s life, in which he loses sleep constantly worrying about being properly prepared for death.
As sensible and essential it is to prepare ourselves for success in the future, this mentality has ultimately led to a big problem. Happiness always comes later. As a student, this means that every moment not spent studying, completing assignments, writing up college applications, or getting some sense of productivity inevitably brings about feelings of guilt and frustration. Much of what we do in high school ends up being motivated by our desire to bolster our applications to look pretty for colleges instead of doing what we enjoy or want to pursue. There should be a balance between looking towards the future and being happy in the present. Instead of pushing aside our emotional states and promising that we’ll find happiness at the next step, there should exist a compromise in our lives, where we still allow ourselves to enjoy the moment. As a final thought, immortality and eternal life have been recurring ideas across many cultures, and by nature, we often seek to immortalize ourselves by leaving a lasting legacy that we hope can outlive our fleeting lives. Upon reflecting on the Egyptian perception of the dead, I find that maybe I do not want there to be eternal life or any life waiting for me after death. The existence of an end to that cycle of looking forward gives meaning to our brief time in life, and it motivates us to cherish it. Perhaps there is solace in the idea that one day, after living my life to the fullest, I can simply rest in peace.
Ian Clarke, Period 5, 12/14/2020, Day B
Ian Clarke
Period 5
Modern Mythology 2021
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
Rather than reading, our most current assignment consisted of 2 videos concerning the ancient Egyptian’s secrets of the afterlife as well as their book of the dead. These videos educated me about the ancient Egyptian’s views on death as well as how life should be spent, and how all of this leads up to the final decision of whether or not you can achieve a blissful afterlife in the field of reeds. As I watched, I couldn’t help but draw similarities to how I felt about my college application process. Being in the midst of applying to all of my top colleges, I feel like I can relate, if only slightly, to the nervousness the Egyptians felt when having their heart weighed against the feather of truth and having that be the sole determiner for whether or not they are allowed into the underworld. By putting my best foot forward for college applications, I also feel like my very person is being judged on if I am worthy to be allowed into college. However, I am aware and grateful that my time spent in college will be small compared to eternity.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering
how that learning influences your critical perception.
Learning about the ancient Egyptian’s perception of death and what comes after has contributed to my growing insight into how different people from different time periods perceive existence. The ancient Greek’s seemed to believe that simply doing the right things and being a hero would grant you favor with the gods and reward you with a blissful afterlife. The ancient Egyptians, for comparison, seem a lot more strict. It stood out to me that the Egyptians seemed to require a lot more from their living to prepare for the afterlife than the Greeks. For example, the Egyptians stressed that citizens should have an undying loyalty to their Pharaoh, as they were seen as descendants from Ra- the sun god. Additionally, the Egyptians stressed proper burials and spells for the afterlife. This has all made influenced my critical perception by making me more in tune with what people’s motives in life could be. For some, it is living a full life and doing whatever they please. For others, they follow a stricter and more disciplined life, for a desire for a blissful afterlife, or perhaps out of fear for an afterlife of torment. By understanding one’s motives for how they live their life, I can better understand their decisions. For example, if I were to analyze an ancient Egyptian society ruled by an evil Pharaoh who mistreated his citizens, I would wonder why there would be no uprising. From a structuralist perspective, It would only make sense. However, when taking into account that the people believed their Pharaoh to be descended from the gods and that disobeying him would result in eternal damnation, it beings a whole new perspective into account as to why there is no revolution.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other
classes/the world around you?
It’s always interesting to ponder the unknown, and death has been an unknown since the beginning of humanity. Seeing the Egyptian’s views on death and the extreme lengths they’d go to in order to ensure a place in the afterlife and a chance at reincarnation showed me their powerful desire to simply exist. For an ancient Egyptian, true death was when one’s soul was devoured by Ammit, and it was likely the least desirable thing for a person at the time. It showed me that even back then, people had a burning desire to exist whether it be in life or death. This can apply to me, as I want to live a long and prosperous life. Admittedly I don’t know what I need to do to have an amazing afterlife, as it seems as if the criteria changes with every religion. I don’t particularly agree with everything the ancient Egyptians believed, but I will agree with their belief that life should be enjoyed as we experience it.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Stanley Chen Modern Mythology 2021 Period 2 Day A 12/16/2020
Stanley Chen
Modern Mythology 2021
Period 2
In my opinion, I feel Egyptian mythology is somewhat underrated. When we think of mythology, we mostly think about the Greeks. Prior to taking this class, my first introduction to Egpytian mythology was from The Kane Chronicles, trilogy of books, written by Rick Riordan. From those books, I learned the basics of Egyptian mythology. Their gods had animals as their heads, there was an afterlife, and the pharaoh was related to their gods. Other than this, I didn’t know much about Egyptian mythology. After watching the documentaries focusing on the Book of the Dead, I learned how the Egyptians viewed death and I understand how their society functioned.
The belief of the afterlife played the biggest role in life in Egypt. The Egyptians believed that if they make it through the afterlife, they would be able to achieve immortality. This idea was the biggest thing in their culture. The most important piece of documentation was the Book of the Dead. The Book of the Dead was a scroll that had magical spells and told how to get through the afterlife. The longer the scroll, the higher the chance of achieving immortality. Everyone was allowed to buy a scroll that was tailored for them. Each scroll would cost a lot of money and time to make, and this would show the separation of wealth in Egyptian society. Since everyone believed in the afterlife, they wanted a book that would help them achieve immortality. Their religion’s most important document became a commodity. The rich would be able to afford a larger book while the poor would get a smaller one or wouldn't be able to afford one at all. The Egyptians were an example of how religion affected the economy and the way they lived.
The Egyptians shared many similarities to other cultures. The Egyptians believed that if they live a pure life, they would be able to enter the afterlife. If they were impure, their soul would be eaten. This same type of idea can be seen in Christianity. There is also a connection between the Egyptians and the Greeks by creating myths to explain the unexplainable.
Learning about the Egyptians gave me more insight in their society and how their cultural beliefs and ideas influenced future beliefs.
Bao Bao Chen, Period 2, 12/16/2020, Day A
Reading & Learning
- Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
- Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
- How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
In class, I learned that similar to other cultures, the Egyptians believed in living a good and devoted life because they wanted to reincarnate or live a blissful afterlife. It was surprising to find out that their biggest fear was having their soul eaten by Ammit or in other words, having their souls destroyed. To them, their time living was finite while the afterlife was eternal. The whole emphasis on living a good life solely on the afterlife always surprised me. Perhaps its because I don't have a specific belief or as strong devotion as these Ancient Egyptians had but having such faith in something that you aren't sure really exists and living your entire life based around it baffles me.
While learning about Egyptians and their views on death did allow me to see resemblance to other cultures. As I learned from reading Greek mythology, many ancient myths were explanations of the unknown. Just like how the story of Persephone and Hades is used to explain the four seasons, the Egyptians explained the rising of the Sun as the deceased pharaoh's battle with the forces of chaos in the underworld.
The current focus on myth from Egyptian has given me more insight on Egyptian culture and lifestyle. It allows me to see how people innately think especially in a time with limited technology and no science to explain everything.
Angelica Baburova, Period 5, 12/14/20, Day B
Angelica Baburova
Modern Mythology
Ms. Fusaro
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
The most current reading was an assignment of watching videos rather than reading. As we transition into learning about Egyptian Mythology (The book of the Dead) and the Old Testament, we are able to analyze what it means to live, be alive, and to die. When learning about how one soul is weighed against a feather in order to achieve eternal bliss and have a happy afterlife in the Field of Reeds, it sank in how many religions are not only ruthless when it comes to their beliefs regarding how wonderful life and the afterlife is, but also how difficult it is to get into the “promised land”. Life was celebrated and people were told to make the most of their life, and continue it even when their physical body has passed. Eternal life was only something to look forward to if you genuinely enjoyed each moment you spent, this is not a means of glorifying life, but instead, it promotes celebrating every moment you have. Passing onto your next life may be mourning for those on earth, but there is still further you can go in the next phase of life and death.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
This specific reading made me find connections between my personal beliefs and those stated in the book of the dead. I like to think that my opinions regarding religion, death, and the afterlife I created myself, rather than blindly following the beliefs of others. But after reading/listening to their beliefs, I have found many similarities such as valuing living every moment as if it's your last and not be scared of death. It has allowed me to put my own beliefs into words, and when I wrote my personal reflection after analyzing Ancient Egypt's perception of the dead I was able to put those very ideas into words. While I do not believe in a specific religion to such an extent to I can say I am a follower, I recognize that every day should be lived as though it is your last and to act with purpose. We are all a part of a system and must recognize that we do our best to help the world, and it will reward us in its own ways-- especially through self assurance.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
By beginning to learn about humanity and its views on life and death, I have begun to think about my own beliefs and reflect on how I see the world. Reflecting on these themes has made me think about recent conversations I have had with others regarding these topics because I believe that the way you visualize a lifespan says a lot about your beliefs on how you see everyone's purpose in life. For example, your views on life can display whether you are an optimist, pessimist, or a self-identified realist (because who can decide what reality truly is?) and shows your own self-worth. Recognizing whether someone feels that they need to be wary of every step to make for a good afterlife vs making the most of every day creates entirely different lives lived, and each one accomplishes things in their own ways. Recognizing that people appreciate life in different ways is crucial in understanding the world around you, as well as the people residing in it.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Stacey Cajita, 12/10/2020, PD8, Day C
Stacey Cajita
Period 8
Modern Mythology 21
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
While reading the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, I was immediately made aware of how metaphorical and how compelling the premise and main take-aways from the story were. From the beginning, like in many tragedies, we understand what will happen to the protagonist, and we realize that there is very little change of a happy-ever-after. Knowing the ending usually ruins the story, and typically makes many of my peers (myself included) bored of reading - however, upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that knowing the ending makes the play’s meaning that much apparent. Oedipus Rex subtly sprinkles hidden messages regarding human nature and our tendencies to hide beneath our denial and ignorance throughout the entire tragedy, and understanding the plot from the very beginning allows the reader to truly hone in and focus on seeking out the messages that we would not have caught the first time. I thought it was extremely clever how Oedipus was written so metaphorically blind, and then became physically blind as a result of unravelling the truth - and only then, was he finally able to see his mistakes and nature as a human.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
Something that Modern Mythology has taught me is that there is much more to English readings than meets the eye - typically, English readings are expected to be classic Western literature, like King Arthur or Gulliver’s Travels, but it is clear that English readings sometimes don’t even come from countries that speak English. I have been made aware of so many cultural mythologies, such as Hindu mythology or Chinese creation stories, that I haven’t even been made aware of in history class. My critical perception of the world around me has been drastically impacted by the knowledge of other cultures from this class as I realize how much cultural diffusion has really gone on throughout the history of the world, and as I’ve been forced to look at things through critical lenses, I have been able to understand reasonings for specific actions in history that I have never been able to understand before. It’s become increasingly more and more important to me that I understand the motives behind peoples’ actions and realize how their society and values have impacted them, and by understanding cultures through literature I am able to understand people through their actions.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
My learning from English class can be tied to the world around me as I grow older, because I have a greater understanding of different aspects of humanity. Becoming a college student makes me more and more fearful of what I neither know nor understand, as soon it will just be me, alone, with my brain and a million paths to walk down. As I read of human nature through Greek tragedies, or of human devotion through mythology stories, or of who I should hold as a role model through fairy tales, I am becoming more and more prepared for future lessons of these topics. In addition to this, I have been made aware of so many cultural ideas and belief systems, and through that I can more sensibly interact with people from those cultures as well as empathize with people from other cultures on a more deeper level.
Sophia Bejar, 12/10/2020, PD8, Day C
Modern Mythology 2021
Period 8
Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.
The story of Oedipus had a very crucial lesson about truth and ignorance. Oedipus’ ignorance made it so that he could not realize that he was the plague that he’s been cursing since the start. It reminded me of how flawed a character’s perspective can be because of the opinions they have and how pride can stop them from considering others’ views. Learning this affects my critical perception of literature because now I’m more aware to consider the perspectives of the characters themselves and how it can alter the relationships between the other characters. It can also show different interpretations of the same situation based on the characters’ observations and opinions, which can help one determine their contribution to the story.
Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
Learning about the metaphorical blindness influences my critical perception as I’ve learned to consider the different perspectives of the characters to understand where they come from and how they contribute to the story. By seeing how Oedipus could not believe others, one can see his eventual downfall and the irony of him cursing the cause of the plague when he, himself is the cause of it. Also to understand the story more, by looking at it from Jocasta’s view one can make many theories, for example she could’ve known about the truth because it’s most likely she’s seen his unique markings on his feet. By withholding from the truth because of her shame, it encourages the fulfillment of the prophecy. From looking at the story from different perspectives I can learn more about the story and the depth it has through the views of other characters and how they did affect the plot.
How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
What I’m learning about can be applied to the world around me as there are many perspectives that can be derived from one situation. For example with Oedipus he could not believe he was the problem while others would tell him otherwise. It’s important to keep an open mind to prevent falling to a similar fate like Oedipus, so that one can learn about one’s mistakes and improve upon it instead of stubbornly refusing to even consider another person’s view. From this story of a tragic fate, you can learn to be more mindful of ensuring that you have to keep an open mind and allow for other’s opinions to be heard, for example valid criticisms towards your work.
George Baslous, Period 5, 12/14/20,Day B
At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
I feel like a goal that all of us seniors have at the moment is to get into our dream school, but although that's important to me, I feel like it's more important for me to focus on myself. With online schooling and the whole college application results coming out, I've been under a lot of stress and I feel overwhelmed most of the time. I've completely destroyed my sleep schedule and I haven't been getting as much fresh air as I should be getting. If I want to fix my stress, I think the first step should definitely be to start sleeping earlier and making a personal schedule. I feel like if I were to create a schedule and get into a daily routine, I would be more motivated to do my work and I wouldn't feel as overwhelmed as I do right now while I'm doing all of my work last minute. I also haven't been doing much physical activity recently and I've just been laying in my bed most of the day. I usually wake up a few minutes before my first class of the day, so I want to start waking up around an hour before class begins and do some home workouts to improve my health. Despite being stressed about college acceptance letters, I feel like if I really work on improving myself, I'll be in a better place mentally.
How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal?
One specific goal I keep coming back to is trying to wake up earlier than I need to, but the issue I keep running into is I can never sleep early enough to make my mornings easier. The other week, my friend recommended this alarm app to me that makes you do a task in order to shut off the alarm. Every morning at around 8:30, I've had to go to my kitchen when the alarm rings and scan a barcode to turn it off, and while I'm there, I just eat breakfast so it's extremely convenient. A few nights ago however, I wanted to wake up earlier so I set the alarm to 7:30 and when it went off, I kept dismissing it because I didn't want to get out of bed, and instead of going to scan the barcode, I deleted the app to turn off the alarm. Eventually, I feel like I'll be able to fix my sleep schedule, but I just need to take it a bit slower because the jump from 8:30 to 7:30 was too much for my body to handle.
How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal?
I always see everyone else complaining about how messed up their sleep schedule is, and I feel like it's become normal for everyone to sleep extremely late at this point. Sometimes I feel like even though it's not good to be sleeping as late as I do, it's out of my control and it's unfixable but I just have to put in some effort because it's not going to fix itself.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Felicia Chan, Period 2, 12/11/20, Day A
Felicia Chan
Period 2
Modern Mythology
Balance, the element we all so strive to maintain but instead fall completely into the possession of its enemy, chaos. The word rolls off the tongue so effortlessly, and yet I find myself stuttering and struggling to uphold the meaning of this simple 2 syllable term.
With only so many hours in a day, I find myself wanting more time. Like all high school seniors, it is that time of year where college deadlines are approaching. As every minute and every second count down, I feel as if I am racing against the ticking of a bomb patiently waiting to burst. This bomb that I am competing with is myself. Though it is realistically impossible to race against yourself, I find myself constantly trying to prevent the stress and tensions from winning within me. From taking care of home responsibilities, attending classes, and completing school assignments, my to-do list is exponentially growing, that my efforts to check off most of the tasks seem to fail. As I try to catch up with school work to make time for myself to work on my supplemental essays, the sun has already set and the city has turned quiet.
My focus on responsibilities has consumed me to the point where I have grown distant from my family and taking care of myself. The more I attempt to “balance” my schedule, the more I am digging myself deeper into the hole of chaos. As I forced my body to go beyond its capability, I am now feeling the side effects of being physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. Thus, recently I have been reconsidering the efficiency of the method I was using to maintain balance. My new goal is to weigh out the time I am dedicating to school and colleges, along with finding time to focus on healing myself.
So far, I believe I had made good progress in restoring balance in my life. I am no longer pushing my body to stay up to finish tasks until I am exhausted, eating improper meals, and neglecting self-care. I have resumed social interactions with my family and friends via messaging and video chatting, which have positively improved my mental health. I have also managed to find time to spend on physical activities such as playing volleyball and walking outside. My sleeping schedule, on the other hand, is still in the process of fixing, but we are getting there soon, hopefully.
With the world being negatively impacted by Covid-19, many are working together to restore what has been lost. The trend of balance has given rise to counteract the negativity that the pandemic has brought upon us. As we are unable to have in-person interactions, our digital world has allowed society to connect and share positivity. Social media are used as platforms to bring awareness of how to overcome new obstacles that have emerged from this pandemic. From Instagram posts to viral Tik-Tok videos, people all over the world are sharing part of their lives to restore happiness to humanity again. The optimistic aura the world has created in such dark times has encouraged me to continue finding balance within myself.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Ashwin Anil, 12/10/20, Pd. 8, Day C
Ashwin Anil
Modern Mythology
Period 8
- At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
At this point in my life, I need to make sure that I stay up to date with all of my assignments. I have been doing it already, but it is time to submit college applications right now and I have to hand everything in on time. Another thing that I need to fix is my sleep schedule. I have been sleeping at 4 o'clock every night and that's something I need to fix. It's mainly because I don't have many distractions at night, I'm less likely to procrastinate, and I get a lot of work done. In order to compensate for the missing hours of sleep, I usually only have two meals a day along with a two to three-hour nap in the afternoon before work. Staying on this schedule is not healthy for me; I need to try and maintain my body's circadian rhythm.
- How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
I found out that having more work to do motivates me to work even harder because I'm under more pressure. Working late at night has its strengths and weaknesses. I am able to finish a lot of work and stay up to date with college, class projects, tests, readings, and many of the things that I would blow off because of the distractions around me during the day. But I did hear that it's not too bad for you to change your sleep schedule as long as it's a consistent total number of hours and at the same time each day. But I really shouldn't be making excuses because it is important to be mindful of your mental and physical health.
- How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
Due to the ongoing pandemic, I feel that it is really hard to take your mind off of all the things you need to complete. I always feel guilty whenever I'm having fun right now because I know that I should be doing work instead. But instead, I found that taking a break like going for a walk with my dog tends to help me relax a little more. I think it's because online learning has destroyed the boundary between school and home. I lost the ease of being able to relax at home because it's the same place where classes are. My bed isn’t a place where I sleep and relax. But it's my alternative work station for when I'm too tired to sit on a desk. I need to establish better boundaries between the various responsibilities that I have to fulfill each day.
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