Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Teresa Crisantos, Period 8, 12/23/20, Day C

 Teresa Crisantos-Prudencio

Modern Mythology 

Period 8

December 21, 2020

Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.

The most current reading we had was “The Book of Job” which is in the old testament of the Bible. The Book of Job is a book of wisdom alongside the Book of proverbs and Ecclesiastes. What this book tries to teach us is why good people suffer and it also explores the question of whether God is wise and just. This book began by telling us how Job had a good life and was faithful to God. Satan told God that Job was only faithful to him because of all the blessings he had given him. This leads to God making Job suffer and taking everything away from Job. Job remains faithful to God however he questions what he did to deserve this. It is clear that people during this time believed that you got what you deserved based on what Jobs friends said. However by the end of the story it becomes clear that this is not the case. God makes it clear that no one has the wisdom he has and that he does everything for a reason. It is clear from this that bad things happen to everyone but there is a reason for it even if we don't understand it. I believe this book is very important because it shows that the way you respond to hardships is very important. In addition, if you lose sight of your beliefs then it will be very hard for you to get past these hardships. Through this story we also see God’s wisdom because he talks about all the things he has to oversee and manage.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

I think it is important to note that I am Catholic so my perspective for this reading was most likely very different from anyone who is not religious. I had previously read the book of Job from a solely religious view and had not looked at it through a more english view/lens. Something in this reading that really stood out to me is that even if you are not religious the idea that sometimes bad things happen to good people for no reason is probably something widely accepted. I believe many people believe this even if they are not religious. This story is always one that reinforces my belief that even when bad things are happening if you truly have faith you can get through anything. In addition this story makes me think about how you respond to hardships is very important. I have always perceived hardships as something that is meant to make you stronger and to learn and not necessarily all bad. I also believe that if you put your trust in God everything will work out in the end. 

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

What I’ve learned in this reading can be applied to the world around me because I have always believed that there is not always a cause for your hardships but that the experience of them is more valuable. I have always thought that whether something good or bad happens in the world there is always a reason even if we can't understand it at the moment. This is mostly because I believe in God and that there is always a bigger purpose for everything in this life. This reading can also be applied to the world around us because you can't dwell on the things you lost or are going through rather you have to make the most of whatever you have. It is also important not to blame yourself when bad things happen as many times it is out of your control. One big example would be the pandemic as nobody directly caused it and we can only do our parts and hope everyone else does as well. 

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