Sunday, December 20, 2020

Dilhara DeSilva, Period 5, 12/22/20, Day B

 Dilhara DeSilva


Period 5

Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

It may not seem like much but three months is a long time. When I first responded to this prompt, I was very driven towards pushing myself to be the best student and athlete I could possibly be. While I still value both my academic and athletic careers, these aren’t the most important aspects of my life at this current point in time. As the holidays draw closer, my priorities shift towards focusing on my family and mental well-being. This crazy year influenced me to live a life that I wasn’t too fond of, relying on a daily routine to get through the day. I was so absorbed in my day-to-day schedule that it was difficult for me to take notice of the things going on around me. It took a toll on my mental health as I found myself not being as happy and content as I usually am. After coming to this realization, I set a goal to enjoy a stress-free holiday season. For some, this goal may seem impossible to achieve, considering that the holiday season is usually when people are the most anxious. I’m eager to see how things unfold, understanding that this goal of mine ensures that I end the year on a good note, feeling good about myself and what I was able to accomplish.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Achieving this goal is of the uttermost importance to me. As bad as 2020 has been, I want to think back knowing that there were some splendid times during that year. To begin with, I have been working towards bettering my state of mind. I have avoided situations that overwhelm me, most of them being school-related. Being on top of my work and being prepared for class has taken off the pressure that I usually feel since teachers tend to assign more work and tests right before the Christmas break. With college applications due in the beginning of January, I have proactively finished them all with about a week and a half to spare. Apart from this, I have also been spending a lot more time with my family because there is never a dull moment when I am around them. By doing these things, I have felt a lot happier and satisfied with the position I have put myself in heading into the holiday season.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world could throw whatever it wants at me and it still wouldn’t affect my perception of this goal. I’ve prepared and done everything right up to this point in time so I am blissfully ready to enjoy Christmas, New Year’s Day, and to move on to 2021. Sure, something might come up out of the blue and try to put an end to my dreams (which will most likely happen with my luck) but as long as I have faith and resilience, no obstacle is too big to overcome.

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