Monday, December 14, 2020

Sophia Bejar, 12/10/2020, PD8, Day C

Sophia Bejar
Modern Mythology 2021
Period 8

Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.

The story of Oedipus had a very crucial lesson about truth and ignorance. Oedipus’ ignorance made it so that he could not realize that he was the plague that he’s been cursing since the start. It reminded me of how flawed a character’s perspective can be because of the opinions they have and how pride can stop them from considering others’ views. Learning this affects my critical perception of literature because now I’m more aware to consider the perspectives of the characters themselves and how it can alter the relationships between the other characters. It can also show different interpretations of the same situation based on the characters’ observations and opinions, which can help one determine their contribution to the story.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

Learning about the metaphorical blindness influences my critical perception as I’ve learned to consider the different perspectives of the characters to understand where they come from and how they contribute to the story. By seeing how Oedipus could not believe others, one can see his eventual downfall and the irony of him cursing the cause of the plague when he, himself is the cause of it. Also to understand the story more, by looking at it from Jocasta’s view one can make many theories, for example she could’ve known about the truth because it’s most likely she’s seen his unique markings on his feet. By withholding from the truth because of her shame, it encourages the fulfillment of the prophecy. From looking at the story from different perspectives I can learn more about the story and the depth it has through the views of other characters and how they did affect the plot.

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

What I’m learning about can be applied to the world around me as there are many perspectives that can be derived from one situation. For example with Oedipus he could not believe he was the problem while others would tell him otherwise. It’s important to keep an open mind to prevent falling to a similar fate like Oedipus, so that one can learn about one’s mistakes and improve upon it instead of stubbornly refusing to even consider another person’s view. From this story of a tragic fate, you can learn to be more mindful of ensuring that you have to keep an open mind and allow for other’s opinions to be heard, for example valid criticisms towards your work.

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