Monday, December 14, 2020

George Baslous, Period 5, 12/14/20,Day B

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

I feel like a goal that all of us seniors have at the moment is to get into our dream school, but although that's important to me, I feel like it's more important for me to focus on myself. With online schooling and the whole college application results coming out, I've been under a lot of stress and I feel overwhelmed most of the time. I've completely destroyed my sleep schedule and I haven't been getting as much fresh air as I should be getting. If I want to fix my stress, I think the first step should definitely be to start sleeping earlier and making a personal schedule. I feel like if I were to create a schedule and get into a daily routine, I would be more motivated to do my work and I wouldn't feel as overwhelmed as I do right now while I'm doing all of my work last minute. I also haven't been doing much physical activity recently and I've just been laying in my bed most of the day. I usually wake up a few minutes before my first class of the day, so I want to start waking up around an hour before class begins and do some home workouts to improve my health. Despite being stressed about college acceptance letters, I feel like if I really work on improving myself, I'll be in a better place mentally.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal?

One specific goal I keep coming back to is trying to wake up earlier than I need to, but the issue I keep running into is I can never sleep early enough to make my mornings easier. The other week, my friend recommended this alarm app to me that makes you do a task in order to shut off the alarm. Every morning at around 8:30, I've had to go to my kitchen when the alarm rings and scan a barcode to turn it off, and while I'm there, I just eat breakfast so it's extremely convenient. A few nights ago however, I wanted to wake up earlier so I set the alarm to 7:30 and when it went off, I kept dismissing it because I didn't want to get out of bed, and instead of going to scan the barcode, I deleted the app to turn off the alarm. Eventually, I feel like I'll be able to fix my sleep schedule, but I just need to take it a bit slower because the jump from 8:30 to 7:30 was too much for my body to handle.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal?

I always see everyone else complaining about how messed up their sleep schedule is, and I feel like it's become normal for everyone to sleep extremely late at this point. Sometimes I feel like even though it's not good to be sleeping as late as I do, it's out of my control and it's unfixable but I just have to put in some effort because it's not going to fix itself.

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