Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Angelica Baburova, Period 5, 12/14/20, Day B

Angelica Baburova
Modern Mythology
Ms. Fusaro

Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.

    The most current reading was an assignment of watching videos rather than reading. As we transition into learning about Egyptian Mythology (The book of the Dead) and the Old Testament, we are able to analyze what it means to live, be alive, and to die. When learning about how one soul is weighed against a feather in order to achieve eternal bliss and have a happy afterlife in the Field of Reeds, it sank in how many religions are not only ruthless when it comes to their beliefs regarding how wonderful life and the afterlife is, but also how difficult it is to get into the “promised land”. Life was celebrated and people were told to make the most of their life, and continue it even when their physical body has passed. Eternal life was only something to look forward to if you genuinely enjoyed each moment you spent, this is not a means of glorifying life, but instead, it promotes celebrating every moment you have. Passing onto your next life may be mourning for those on earth, but there is still further you can go in the next phase of life and death.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

    This specific reading made me find connections between my personal beliefs and those stated in the book of the dead. I like to think that my opinions regarding religion, death, and the afterlife I created myself, rather than blindly following the beliefs of others. But after reading/listening to their beliefs, I have found many similarities such as valuing living every moment as if it's your last and not be scared of death. It has allowed me to put my own beliefs into words, and when I wrote my personal reflection after analyzing Ancient Egypt's perception of the dead I was able to put those very ideas into words. While I do not believe in a specific religion to such an extent to I can say I am a follower, I recognize that every day should be lived as though it is your last and to act with purpose. We are all a part of a system and must recognize that we do our best to help the world, and it will reward us in its own ways-- especially through self assurance. 

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

    By beginning to learn about humanity and its views on life and death, I have begun to think about my own beliefs and reflect on how I see the world. Reflecting on these themes has made me think about recent conversations I have had with others regarding these topics because I believe that the way you visualize a lifespan says a lot about your beliefs on how you see everyone's purpose in life. For example, your views on life can display whether you are an optimist, pessimist, or a self-identified realist (because who can decide what reality truly is?) and shows your own self-worth. Recognizing whether someone feels that they need to be wary of every step to make for a good afterlife vs making the most of every day creates entirely different lives lived, and each one accomplishes things in their own ways. Recognizing that people appreciate life in different ways is crucial in understanding the world around you, as well as the people residing in it.

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