Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Leah Livin, Period 8. 1/3/22

 Leah Livin 

January 4, 2022

What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?

    Although as a society we are always working to create equity and equality, alot of inequality proceeds to exist. Often we don’t realize the magnitude of inequality happening around us, because we don’t experience it. One such case concerns equality in education. During the COVID-19 pandemic students made the transition to remote learning. However, many students whose families are in the lower class did not have access to the internet or a device to learn on. Although the department of education slowly worked to resolve this issue, the fix was temporary since the students were not capable of keeping the devices they were provided with, and internet access was provided for the time given. However, going into the pandemic many didn’t realize accessibility to the internet could be a potential setback, since they didn’t fall into the category of people affected by the issue. 

    Inequality exists on small and large scales. A global example is poorer countries having extremely low vaccination rates against COVID-19 because they can’t afford the vaccine from countries that produce it. A smaller example is the wage gap that exists in certain companies and businesses. It can be hard to fight inequality due to our own experiences and biases, therefore, it is important to raise your own awareness of problems happening outside of your own community. 

    How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and how these can influence your perception of self and others?

    Since we all experience a different upbringing, we all form our own biases. Subconsciously we all form judgments on people whenever we see them. As a woman, I have to form opinions on people whenever I am walking, for my own safety because of the amount of times I get catcalled or have individuals try to follow or touch me. I am aware that often my judgment may be wrong because I am going with stereotypes that I have formed from previous experiences. 

Additionally, growing up as a first generation American and Jewish, my values can often correlate to my religious beliefs and be impacted by cultural standards my parents introduce to me. Although I don’t make judgments based on ethnicity and religion, I realize I may form negative or positive perceptions of people due to their moral values. I consider myself to be a self critical person, always working to improve myself. The way I judge myself and others is what affects the decision I make in terms of the people I choose to surround myself with. 

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