Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Julissa Liang, Period 8, 12/21/21

 Julissa Liang

Period 8

December 21, 2021

Modern Mythology 2022

Socio-political Consciousness

As COVID-19 prevails, we become more isolated in our values and morals. With a growing number of people encouraged to stay home to avoid spread of the virus, it leaves others pointing fingers, trying to find someone to blame. Around the start of the pandemic, certain racial groups were more regularly blamed than others and ultimately triggered violent acts between one another. The pandemic was hoped to bring societies together, but rather it divided them. As the pandemic’s harms became detrimental, millions of Americans lost their jobs, which provided them with health care coverage at the same time. Without access to healthcare and refusal to expand Medicaid, particular groups felt targeted and left out on their own.

The concept of health equity promotes the equalizing of health conditions for all groups, especially for those at a socioeconomic disadvantage. It is a given fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought social and racial inequity within the health industry, in regards to COVID-19’s larger impact on many racial and ethnic minority groups. The CDC addresses this growing issue and works to fulfill the needs of all populations. As someone who recognizes my easy access to healthcare, it pains me to see that many ethnic minority groups face several obstacles in order to access basic health needs. Health care is a necessity for all people, and yet we fail to provide it for all people. 

This issue is much more complex than we think. In fact, people from ethnic minority groups have less access to education, which can lead to misinformation and hesitancy. Other aspects play a role in this, such as the wealth gap; low-income families are subjected to living within crowded accommodations which defeats the purpose of quarantine. 

While looking into this situation, I acknowledged my privileges - especially as someone who has easy access to education and healthcare. COVID-19 pandemic has definitely raised obstacles for many families, no matter your socioeconomic status. However, it is important for us to address the barriers that ethnic minority groups are facing during this painful period. I might never understand how it feels to be in their position, but I will take the opportunity to educate myself and spread awareness. I think after looking into this problem, I’ve become more open-minded to different perspectives of this pandemic. 

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