Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Lauren Peysakhova, Period 8, 1/7/2022

 Lauren Peysakhova, Pd. 8, 1/7/2022

Goal Setting & Growth

  1. At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

A specific goal I have for myself at this point in my life is to end the semester with the best grades I can achieve and try not to worry too much about college decisions. The past few months have been very stressful for me because of college applications, as well as school work and extracurricular activities. Now, as the college application season comes to a close, I have only a few more things left to do, and finish the semester putting my best foot forward. I know that I did the best that I could and submitted all that I can, so now the hard part is to wait for the admissions officers to decide everything. The choice is out of my hands, so it does not make sense for me to worry about something I cannot control. Another goal I have is to finish my research project for SERP. For the project we are working on, there is a deadline due January 31, so my partner and I are gathering all our materials to submit to NYCSEF. Lastly, since this is a New Year, I do have a resolution that I would like to accomplish. As a long term goal, I want to read more books in my spare time.

  1. How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I am demonstrating resilience towards finishing the semester off on a good note by having all my homework done on time and trying my best to study for tests and upcoming quizzes. It has been a bit overwhelming coming back to school after the break, but I try to manage my time wisely and study hard to finish my second to last semester. In addition, I am also managing my time more closely to be able to submit on time for NYCSEF. My partner and I need to create a video, presentation, and a chart for the competition, so we are spending more time putting in effort to finalize our submission. Lastly, for my new years resolution, I have been reading as much as I have time for. Before coming back to school this year, I read the Great Gatsby, and now on my reading list I have This Side of Paradise. As soon as the chaos of coming back to school settles, I am excited to continue to embark on that journey.

  1. How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

My family encourages me strongly when it comes to school work. Thus, I feel that I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in school and to study hard. So when I feel stressed, I think a large part of that comes from growing up understanding the value of education. Finishing the year with good grades is also largely attributed to the school setting that we are a part of. A lot of my peers motivate me to try hard and to push myself to perform better in school. This competitive atmosphere makes my goals more valuable and encourages me to complete them. To continue, with omicron infecting more and more people each day, there is a new craziness in the world that makes people want to relax a bit more, to step back from life and appreciate all that they have. Thus, I want to read more, to explore the literary world further and to forever love all that I have.

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