Friday, December 16, 2022

Bill Huang, Period 7, 12/13/2022

Bill Huang


Period 7

Modern Mythology 2023

Atomic Habits and Growth

How do you assess yourself?  What adjustments do you make? How often?

Whenever assessing myself, I try to be as self aware as I can be. For example, very often I will know what I am procrastinating an assignment, but lack the strength to actually force myself out of it. Another example, I recently had a mental breakdown of feeling inadequate from comparing myself to others. I knew at the moment it was silly since everyone hides their flaws so I end up comparing myself to the best of others, but that didn’t stop the emotions. 

To help deal with this, I keep on setting standards for myself to get something done by a certain time. For example, I want to finish a survey on naviance today because the college office needs it to provide supporting documents to my colleges. 

I don’t show resilience towards achieving these standards. Often I end up making two or more standards for myself to finish something by a certain deadline, because I went past the previous ones. My procrastination is the main thing holding me back from doing what I want to do.

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