Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Jalen Tsang, Pd 7, 11/8/2022

Atomic Habits and Growth

Since middle school I have always waited until the last minute to do my homework and projects. I would always get home and waste my time playing games or watching videos and then doing homework late at night. Having to do homework so late at night has also caused me to have a lack of sleep. This year I would like to stop procrastinating and get more sleep.

I crafted these standards based on my previous experiences and my worries about the college application process. I have come to realize that applying to college is going to be a longer and harder process than I thought it would be. Since I already get home late due to track practice, I can’t afford to be procrastinating like I have in the past. I have also found that some of my classes this year have been hard. I can’t afford to be dozing off and missing important information.

I have shown resilience by choosing to limit the amount of timeI spend on the activities I enjoy. I try to limit the time I spend each night playing video games and watching videos. I also have been trying to force myself to work on the college essay even when I don't want to do it.

I can assess myself by paying attention to how tired I feel everyday and watching my progress in my college application process. If I am feeling less tired than usual then I am doing well and if I still feel tired then I am failing to follow my standards. If I am still feeling tired I can set a time for myself and try to get everything done by then and go to sleep. In terms of my college essay, if I am not seeing much change then I am failing. To fix that I could spend more time on weekends working on the essay. I assess myself every few days.

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