Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Johnson Wang, Pd 7, 11/9/2022

 Atomic Habits and Growth

  • At this current point in time, what specific standards have you set  for yourself? 

  • How and why did you come to craft these standards? 

  • How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving these standards?

  • How do you assess yourself?  What adjustments do you make? How often?

Since my junior year of high school ended, I have been on the grind for college applications. I want to craft the best application I possibly can with splendid essays and extracurricular activities. In addition to my work during the summer, I wrote essays. In addition to the schoolwork I’ve been getting since the start of the school year, I wrote essays. The specific standard that I have set for myself is to not be overwhelmed by the pressure of doing both college applications and keeping up with my grades in school. I’m also on a sports team so I have to attend practice every single day and I’ve been cutting some of them just to finish my applications. I also want to get rid of my habit of procrastinating. This habit of mine has cost me a lot in school and during the college application process. I would always go on Youtube or play basketball whenever I have the free time, telling myself I would do them later, which would be a few days later. I want to be able to graduate with no regrets whatsoever left over whether it’s from school or the college process.

I crafted these standards based on my bad habits. Whenever I believe something is more important than the other, in this instance, I believe that my college application is much more important than my normal school work, I would not put in much effort to finish my tasks for school. Especially with my procrastination, I would do this work even later which would result in me rushing my work in the end and producing minimal to low quality work. Right now, I have already started regretting some of the choices I have made regarding my school work such as the fairy tale assignment and I want to redeem myself by working and focusing on more things rather than just one particular thing.

Even though my standards that I set are easier said than done, I have shown some resilience towards achieving my goal by neglecting some of my leisure activities thus far such as playing games with my brother. I also intend to participate in the last few practices for this season so that I at least will still have some fun memories left after the season ends. I also started utilizing the reminder app on my phone to make sure I’m on top of my school work and other stuff such as financial aid which is due soon for me. 

I can check my standards based on the grades I am getting for each class on a bi-weekly basis. This is one way to show if I’m paying attention during class or dozing off and how much I improved in a certain subject based on the results I am getting on tests and quizes. If my grades for a subject are still bad, I would focus more on that subject a bit and not try to contradict myself.

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