Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Julissa Liang, Period 8, 10/19/21

Julissa Liang


Period 8

Modern Mythology 2022

Goal Setting and Growth:

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At such a critical point in your life, the most common answers are focusing on college applications and what you aspire to be in the future. Yet, it seems so unrealistic for someone to firmly determine what they’ll want to do, especially when we are so young and inexperienced. How are we expected to define our future when some of us haven’t even achieved maturity? One of my biggest goals is finding my purpose- in order to decide what I want to do in the future, I have to understand my own morals and reasoning. My brother had asked me this puzzling question: “What do you want to do in the future?” and I quickly responded with, “Computer Science.” But he questioned my answer, and that night, I slept pondering my response. I was so quick to respond with computer science without considering my long term future. It finally came to me that “what do I want to do in the future,” meaning what do I want to accomplish? It recently occurred to me that I want to make a strong societal impact, specifically through web development and game design. My goal currently is to work on creating a platform for youth education through the development of creative games. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Honestly, it’s been a rough road in achieving this goal, considering all the deadlines for schoolwork. I’ve been working on managing my time, preventing procrastination, and finishing assignments the day assigned. This has really helped me to tackle all of my deadlines, but recently health issues have also been a huge obstacle for me. Although I have been spending most of my time working on my assignments, I’ve learned that in order to accomplish these goals, I must take into consideration my own health. As a result, I’ve learned to take more breaks and allow myself to revive my energy and persevere through more periods of work. My goal to create an educational platform for youth is still a rigorous goal that I strongly believe in. With the help of friends who share similar interests with me, it has really helped to encourage and remind me of my purpose. Sometimes I have no motivation, especially after long days of school, but my friends have really helped in driving my passion. We have weekly calls to talk about our plans.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The beginning of quarantine had made me recognize the growing influence of technology in today’s society. So much of our education relies on the usage of computers, iPads, and etc. Traditional methods of learning- with pens and papers- are becoming obsolete. Over quarantine, I tutored a student completely virtual which really allowed me to become a primary source on the issues of virtual learning. There is a lack of connection; there is a lack of enjoyment. For this reason, it has really encouraged me to create an entertaining game that could help encourage a younger audience in developing specific skills. 

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