Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Alex Li, Period 1, 10/19/21

Goal Setting and Growth


At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At this current point in time, I want to be able to manage my time better because there are so many things that I need to do. On top of schoolwork, I’m also working to complete my college applications. I don’t want to keep wasting time and pushing the important things back. Managing my time better not only allows me to be more productive but will also relieve stress. I can get more sleep and go to sleep without worrying so much about future deadlines. I want to work hard on my time management skills because I don’t want to look back later on and regret my actions. 


How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

One of the main ways I demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal is by cutting back on my leisure time. Whether it is gaming or watching videos, I spent a lot relaxing on my laptop. To combat this, I have started setting limits on how long I can spend surfing the web or when I can game. In addition, I use a simple checklist to set goals and tasks that I want to complete for the day. This keeps me on the right track. I’ve also set my phone on Do Not Disturb because I know that my phone can be a big distraction sometimes. These are all the measures that I take to ensure that I manage my time properly.  


How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The pandemic has definitely been a big deterrent for me to do my work. Ever since the start of quarantine, I’ve been increasingly lazy. Because the remote assignments always had a three-day deadline, I would always procrastinate and not do the work until the very last day. Making the switch from remote learning back to in-person learning has been challenging. I know that I don’t always have a lot of time to finish my homework on top of doing college applications. This is why time management is so important to me right now. I want to make time to do things that are important. I would not be able to imagine getting through the past year without the help of my family and the support of my friends. My parents provide me with all the resources that I need to succeed and my friends are always available to talk. 

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