Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Joseph Kang, Period 7, 10/18/21

Joseph Kang

Period 7

October 18, 2021

Modern Mythology 2022

Goal Setting and Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

My most important goal right now is getting myself to stay focused and use my time wisely. Right now, I have college application deadlines coming up and various school work to stay on top of. I have essays, homework, test prep, and portfolios to get ready within the next month or two. At the same time, I find it very easy to get sidetracked from my work, and as a result, I will not get as much done. So, I see the importance of developing a mindset to put away distractions and put most of my time and effort into my work.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

For me, staying focused in trying times was never easy, and it still isn’t. It is much easier for me to lie on my bed and scroll through my phone for hours on end instead of sitting at a desk and getting all my work done. So, one thing I do to mitigate this is put my phone away from arms reach so that I will not reach for my phone for anything other than a phone call. Also, I try to keep a good mindset by convincing myself that the hard work that I put in now will pay off later. This mindset keeps me forward and helps me get through all my work. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

For the past years, my family pushed me to stay motivated, and they have done their best to provide me with resources to succeed. So, it is crucial to do my part and make sure that my family’s efforts were not for nothing. Also, the remote learning environment last year has taken a toll on my work ethic and motivation. I don’t find myself as motivated as I used to be before the lockdown happened, and I find myself getting sidetracked more often. I see this as a challenge that I need to overcome for the future, where a lack of motivation will significantly impact my overall success. 

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