Monday, October 18, 2021

Artem Lavrov, Period 1, 10/18/2021

Goal Setting and Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At this current point in time, I am running very low on time every single day because of work I have to do for school, fencing competitions, and practices, as well as college applications. Therefore my goal is better time management so I can get more done in the limited time that I have every day. I feel as though I waste a lot of time every day even though I have so little time to spare and this stops me from completing my list of tasks for that day. It is my belief that if f I get better at managing my time, I will be able to go to fencing practices/competitions, complete my work, work on my college apps, and also have time to relax left over without sacrificing sleep. This will improve my overall quality of life and improve my mood every day, which is why working on better time management is an important goal for me. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?

Every day when I come home from school or fencing practice, I am extremely exhausted and feel like I need to relax. However, I spend so much time relaxing that I find that I have little time to do other things. To combat this, I have started using the remind app on my phone to make a list of the important things I have to do that day. This should help me get through my work before relaxing by giving me a sign that I am making progress every single time I check something off the list and providing me with more motivation to finish my work. I still think I can do more in terms of better time management but I believe this is a good start.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

I find myself saying “I wish I had more time” a lot these days. Every day I am reminded how little time I have and how much of it I waste, and it honestly makes me furious at myself for how much of it I waste and stresses me out even more. Sadly, my days will not magically get longer by a few hours and time will not stop for me, which means I have to cut down on the time I waste. During quarantine, I had a lot of time and I think I developed this habit of wasting time because I had so much time to waste. However, now that in-person learning has resumed, I have been forced to adjust back and break this habit. Although this is stressful, I view it as a learning experience and beneficial to me because if I improve my time management, I believe it will help me with other areas of my life as well such as organization. Although the world has created this bad habit of wasting time for me, I think it is also forcing me to break that habit and for that I am thankful. 

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