Monday, April 26, 2021

Ryan McMahon, Period 2, 4/21/21, Day A

Ryan McMahon, Period 2, 4/21/21, Day A

Blog #3 - Creativity and Fiction

Craft a piece of fiction that addresses one or more of the following:

- Literary elements (i.e. structure, tone, diction, mood, irony, and figurative language) to craft a narrative and/or poetry.
- Structural features of drama (stage directions, character attributions/tags, dialogue, monologues, and/or soliloquies) to craft a script.
- Multidimensional characters to develop themes and create socio-political metaphors.

The End

From the West rode the seven mile serpent
The rider, the spirit of death, urged the aged snake on
From the icy lake they emerged
And through the wild wildnerness they went

The insane children hid from the rain in a mine
They had unprotected minds
In his bed the child slept

The traveler took his face from the old exhibit
He rose from his bed, possessed
To his sister's room, knew her
To his brother's room, ended him
To his Father's room, conflict
To his Mother's room

He walked from his house down the road
And so the spirit left him
Yet he walked, dripping down
To the outskirts of town

He boarded the blue bus
With heavy boots tripping him down the aisle
He did not know where it was going
He knew that it never goes back

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