Sunday, April 25, 2021

Eve Mooney, 4/26/2021, Period 2, Submitted 4/25/2021, Due 4/26/2021, Day A, Modern Mythology 2021

 Eve Mooney

Period 2

Submitted 4/25/2021, Due 4/26/2021

Day A

Modern Mythology 2021

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

My current goals revolve around college and my future. By May 1st students have to commit to a college that we may spend the next 4 years of our lives at. Currently, I do have a first pick, and plan to commit soon after doing some more research. So, my first goal is to commit to a college, and building on this, my next goal is to make a plan for that college. I am not currently entirely sure of what I want to major in, so over the next few months my goal is to get a better understanding of what I want to do in the future. Another goal that I plan to accomplish in the same timeframe is planning out my college life, for example what classes to take in what order at least for the first year, which clubs to join, what sports to get involved in, how I can continue my daily routines (like exercise) in the different location of college, and anything else related to being in a different environment and planning well to make the most of my college experience. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I demonstrate resilience towards achieving these goals by continually researching schools and making spreadsheets and directories of links to organize my research, along with lists of pros and cons to help decide. I also demonstrate resilience towards achieving my other goals by organizing my research well so that I can reference it easily later when making other decisions, and organizing lists of which elements I should specifically plan for (for example, which  clubs to join, when to do research and potentially with who, and which classes to take first semester). Additionally, I have been contacting different people I know who are in different career fields and somewhat interviewing them to understand more about their professions and fields so that I can better understand what I may want to do in the future.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me impacts my perception of these goals in many instances. Due to the pandemic, I have not been able to participate in clubs and school in person for over a year, and sports only recently began again. This impacts which clubs and schools I plan to join and how I think about them. This is because I haven’t had a typical in person classroom environment in a long time, or typical club experiences, and have spent more time than usual at home due to the pandemic. College will very likely be completely or mostly  in person as of current released plans, and we will be living on campus. It is a very different situation than remote learning, so it is more difficult to envision and decide which college, which clubs, and other decisions, when I have not had the typical school experiences that I would have in the future in college, in over a year.

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