Friday, April 10, 2020

4/8/20 Victoria Pimenta Reyes PD1

Victoria Pimenta Reyes
Modern Mythology Pd 1

  • What is it like working from home?
    • Working from home is not as easy as it seems. It’s weird having all of your classwork technically become homework. It’s difficult to differentiate “work time” from “rest time” because everything is in the same area. Unlike in school, there are no bells to tell me when to start working and when to stop. When I get distracted, which is inevitable after over an hour of doing classwork, I still have to finish the assignment, which can go on for the whole day if I allow it. The benefit of working from home is that I can make my own schedule around my classes, but I’m not good at it yet. I’m so used to having so many practices and clubs to tell me where to be and when, without them, I have so much extra time, unsure of how to spend it. At least now I have time to learn.
  • What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
    • In some positive news, today the NYTimes declared “Stark Death Toll, but Cautious Optimism in N.Y. Over Hospitalizations” (Feuer) in the title of an article published yesterday. It seems that there is room for optimism as the number of those infected daily is leveling out. While deaths continue to increase, the infected rate in NYS only increased by 1%, which is amazing compared to last week which had an 11% increase from one day to the other. Governor Cuomo addressed these statistics with optimism but still warns that we still need to take precautions to continue making progress.  
  • Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
    • My sister’s birthday was a few days ago. Every year we go to her favorite restaurant and return home for cake as a family. This year her favorite restaurant was closed. Celebrating in a pandemic is a weird experience, to say the least. There’s been this looming dark cloud around all of us, yet no one really acknowledges it. A birthday is a moment of light in this dark time and we made the best of it that day. My mom made dinner and I decorated the cake. It’s important to be optimistic in these times and to celebrate the good in life.

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