Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13/2020 Gregory Lipkovich Pd.5

Gregory Lipkovich
Blogger #18

  • What is it like working from home?
I think it's obvious to most people that learning from home isn't the same as going to school every day. Especially with the schedule, we follow by- we only go to three classes a day. In certain classes it's easier to keep up with the work, in others, it's more difficult. It's still worth mentioning that the classes that present trouble are the same ones that presented trouble when schools were open. Some classes are especially difficult as you have to learn most of the new concepts you would've been learning with a teacher, by yourself. Independent work, although was still prominent before, is more important than ever. Also, it seems ironic that some teachers post so much it's difficult to keep up with what to read and what is actual work. Universally, I think all teachers are trying to bring the elephant in the room, corona, into the lessons. For example, here, we're allowed to blog about the corona situation.

  • What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I learned that my community, although small and friendly, has no problem distancing themselves from other people, as long as the household gets to stay together. It's hard to explain, but at around noon to afternoon, there are groups of people exercising outside, taking walks and talking as families. As one family approaches another on the street, they keep their distance and go around them. One part of my community is Kings Plaza, a large Brooklyn mall. Traffic used to be horrible around that area. but now it's like any other intersection. My dad and I noticed how quick we were to smile at the fact that traffic was scarce, and then realized the real, depressing reason for it. On an additional note, my dad is the neighborhood news reporter, as he works in New-York Presbyterian Queens, and sees first-hand the effects of the virus. He's pretty straightforward and wouldn't lie when you asked what's the situation- he'd straight up say "not good."

  • What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus? 
As I said, my dad is the closest thing to a real source as I can get, save the panic-ridden moms spreading Facebook posts about corona. I guess when I read about the situation I like to stick to the medical professionals and stay away from politicians. Schools will probably be closed for the rest of the year, small businesses will continue to suffer, and people will continue to file for unemployment. Don't get me wrong, the virus is bad, but the lasting effects will be terrible. The country (and state) will need money, and so will people. The economy will take the inevitable hit and drown, and many families will continue to suffer, if not from the virus, then from bankruptcy. 

On that note, I want to remind everyone reading to stay safe. and at home. Remember to use proper hygiene, and also to find a hobby to keep you from going insane. 

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