Monday, April 13, 2020

4/7/20 Gabriella Krichevsky Period 8

Modern Mythology 2020
Gabriella Krichevsky blogger #12
Blog 4/7/2020

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is an interesting shift, and definitely has its pros and cons. From the start of our “coronacation,” working from home was super convenient- you can complete your assignments whatever time of day you choose- which gave me the freedom to wake up when I wanted, do whatever I needed to do throughout the day, and manage my time in such a way that really suited me. This was revolutionary for me, as for 12 years my whole life revolved around the set 8 am- 2 pm school schedule. Having the freedom to now plan school around myself rather than myself around school was really nice. Additionally, it just feels like homework, and not having to prepare for tests is a plus, being that I am not the best test taker. On the other hand, I do miss school. Not only for the social side of it, but personally I tend to fall back when there isn’t a schedule in my life, so having that strict time of day set aside for learning suddenly changes to doing it whenever I want was a difficult adjustment, as well as hard to adjust to at first. The most frustrating part of this experience was when the internet crashed in my area. I felt like I was seriously slipping because I couldn't get anything done, and felt like a mess.

What are you learning about the world/community based on the reactions?
Even though this is a very difficult time for us all, I do feel like it significantly brought us together not only by communities, but as a whole. Amidst all the fear and panic going on now, people are banding together and helping each other out, making sure we all come out of this as one and even stronger. The best example I have seen of this was in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. I found myself really missing my friends over this quarantine, but social distancing prevented me from hanging out with them, for obvious reasons. I decided to drive to see them, but stay in the car the whole time, which allowed me to see them and social distance. As I am driving past the neighborhood of Dyker Heights to visit my friends, I see the streets lined with houses with thank you signs for all the essential workers (doctors, first responders, etc.) that risk their lives everyday helping the people who need it most. On top of this, I drove past at around 7, which happens to be the time all the neighbors come outside and cheer for the essential workers. I had seen the videos online of people in Manhattan doing this, but seeing it in real life was unreal. As I drive past, I see the entire neighborhood come outside and start cheering, yelling thank you and clapping for the first responders, as the essential workers on their way home honk in appreciation and gratitude. As both my mom and my dad work in the hospital and don't get the privilege of staying home, it meant a lot to me. Watching neighbors and friends all come outside and band together to uplift the community was genuinely a beautiful sight.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

There are a million ways to look at this odd situation,with a million different emotions that come with it. First and foremost staying positive during these times is key, or our mental wellbeing could significantly deteriorate. Even though it is pretty difficult at times, especially when all you hear is COVID-19 from what seems like every single TV station, every conversation, alerts on youtube and snapchat, you can’t even go on a drive without seeing one of those signs that read “STAY INSIDE SAVE LIVES” every five minutes. My point is that it is everywhere, which is nerve wracking. However, given the circumstances, the best we can do is stay inside, stay safe, and make the most of a bad situation. It sucks we have to isolate ourselves, but we finally have the opportunity to do everything we haven't had time to do before. Finally we can start that series we've been meaning to watch, read that book, start that exercise routine we haven't had time for, clean the years of clutter in the closet, the list goes on and on. Plus, we get to sleep in! The fact that we now have the time for our own self growth really keeps me positive and motivated to wake up every day with a good mindset and plenty to do. To sum up, yes it is hard, and we definitely were not expecting this now “normal,” but life goes on and this too, shall pass.

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