Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/8/20 Winston Lee Period 8

Winston Lee                                                                                                                    
Blog #3 - 4/8/2020
Modern Mythology Period 8

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is way different then what I expected it to be. Although it is nice to be able to work on your own and at your own pace, sitting at the same desk and staring at the same computer screen for three 75 minute periods a day gets repetitive and tiring. I personally get distracted easily so I always struggled to stay on task during those designated time periods and usually end up making up the work later in the day. In my opinion, a big part of the school learning experience is working with your peers and collaborating with them, which is significantly more difficult to do through the remote learning plan. Overall, although students always complain about school, I think all of us would prefer to go back to school if we were given the opportunity to.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Recently, the amount of confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York State alone has surpassed the number of confirmed cases in Spain, which happens to be the country that has the second-most confirmed cases (At the time of me writing this, the US has 435,160 cases, Spain has 148,220, and New York State has 151,170). The rapid spread could’ve been caused by the large population density of New York as well as the transportation systems, where public transportation is a big part of living and all the trains/busses connect. Unfortunately, the situation is still at the point where it will continue to get worse as we haven’t hit the calculated peak yet. Taking all this into account, the quarantine/lockdown period will almost definitely be extended as well as schools/other businesses remaining closed past the estimated date (the original date being April 20th). Hospitals have been running out of space and materials to support people infected by COVID-19 and organizations like the NBA have helped the cause by donating masks and other medical supplies.    

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening now.

Personally, I feel like people should have taken things like health and hygiene more seriously since before the pandemic occurred. Even before the virus spread across the world, scientists calculated that it had the potential to infect up to 40% of the Earth’s population. Despite these statistics, people still decided to not take matters seriously and continued to travel and not sanitize as much as they were recommended to. Another thing that upsets me about the entire situation is being unable to truly enjoy my senior year. I think I can speak for all seniors by saying that this definitely isn’t how we expected our senior year to turn out and it’s extremely disappointing, to say the least. Personally, this also makes my college decision much more difficult because I’m unable to visit the other colleges that I got accepted into and never actually toured yet. It also makes it difficult because nobody knows how things will end up by September, so moving out and dorming might not be safe for us to do.

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