Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/6/2020 Stanley Kong PD8

Stanley Kong PD8

4/6/2020 Modern Mythology

  • What is it like to work from home?
    • Working from home is a new experience. Due to the world being in a crisis, a lot of essential needs such as the internet, food, etc are no longer stable and it can cause a lot of issues for everyone. Although working from home can definitely seem like it is easier, it takes more will power and responsibility. It’s harder to sleep at regular times and way easier to forget about things such as attendance and assigned work. As a student, this is probably the easiest we can have compared to adults. Also, learning from home is less learning than in school. It’s way easier to “just do” the assignments assigned to us from home without actually learning anything because of our access to the internet. In the end, working from home should be a benefit if you have a good work ethic and are responsible. 
    • Another aspect of working from home is the mental aspect it has on us kids. This being the time of our life, is probably the worst case scenario. The fact that that is true makes the case even worse. It causes other students and such to go out in large groups, ignoring rules and potentially bringing danger upon themselves, their family, and even more. This makes me scared for myself because if people have this mindset, this quarantine will never end.

  • What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
    • I am learning a scary amount of information on the world. Through my economy class, I learned that there is a very high chance that the entire economy of the US might collapse just because of the virus. The possibility of our life being normal again soon is very low and it frightens me. I want to be able to eat out, go to the gym, hangout with friends but every month, we will get a notification on how we have to stay home. I’m learning how unprepared the world is for something like this. Although it’s just a slightly deadly disease that is like the flu, we are still extremely unprepared. What if there was a deadly virus outbreak like in the movies or tv shows? This is what also frightens me. Although all of this is the scary reality we all live in, it causes many communities to come together and work together to get through all issues together which makes me feel a lot better. 

  • Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
    • Additionally to the fact that this is our last year of high school and this is probably the best part of our life, we also have to deal with additional unnecessary work during a hard time of our life. This includes gym work, extra work from elective classes, and additional work from classes that originally gave nearly no work. (I am not talking about myth as this class still follows the syllabus and is being very lenient of the work that is being assigned.) The quarantine has also made me very grateful for life and made me realize things that I took granted for before was something that I should cherish now.

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