Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30/20 Acewin Tam Period 8

Acewin Tam Period 8 - Modern Mythology 2020

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is a lot less stressful than being in school because you have more time to get things done and it’s much more an “at your own pace” kind of thing. If I’m tired, I can wake up later and still complete my assignments in the time given, but I’d just be doing it later. However, it also makes me feel like I’m lazier because I’m not forced to be in school. I get up a lot later, the latest so far has been 3 PM, and usually don’t manage to do my work in the time designated during the school day. 

What are updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
As of the moment I write this, there are over 3.2 million cases and 231,708 deaths worldwide, with the United States making up about ⅓ of the total global cases. In New York State, there have been 304,000 confirmed cases and 18,321 deaths, making that approximately 9.5% of cases and 7.9% of deaths globally. However, there have been around 1 million that have recovered. There have been a significant increase in unemployment claims, with about 30 million claims in the past 6 weeks. Some cities have experienced protests against the quarantines where many people gather in close proximity, resulting in backlash from many others. According to the Washington Post, the majority of U.S. states are partially reopening in the next few days. Dr. Fauci states that he recommends states to begin reopening only if they have seen a 2-week decline in the number of new cases and believes that “developing hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine is doable by January” (

Your own personal thoughts and feelings about what is happening right now. 

My deepest condolences go out to those who have had loved ones tested positive or those who have passed away from the coronavirus. I know a few people who have unfortunately passed away and in one specific family, only one of the four immediate family members is still with us. I would like to thank front line workers, whether that be medical professionals, grocery workers, etc. because they put their lives at risk to make sure the rest of us are okay. When I hear of protests against quarantining, I personally find it ridiculous and think that they’re just putting more people in danger. However, I am uplifted by Dr. Fauci saying that he has been working to speed up the development of a vaccine. I just hope that everyone continues to try to stay at home so you not only keep yourself safe but others who are more vulnerable safe and don’t have our front line workers’ sacrifices be in vain. 

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