Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30/20 Daniela Yevdaev Pd 5

Daniela Yevdaev Pd 5
April 30, 2020
Sophomores 2020

What is it like working from home?
Even though it's been so long with remote learning in place, I feel as if I still haven't fully adapted to the new method of a "school day". I wake up in time for any online class meetings that we have but other than that I have been slacking on the actual work given from each class. Being at home with 5 other people in the house has made it a bit hard to fully concentrate and the fact that I am at home has made it hard to motivate myself to do my work in advance so I have been mostly completing any work the day before it is due. Through all this I have realized that I really need to fix how distracted I get by the littlest things going on around me because once I actually start my work I am able to finish it in a quick manner if I just stay on task.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
It has been more than a month in quarantine in the US and we are able to see some progress throughout the world and the community overall. Even though there is still a number of confirmed cases across the countries, the amount of recovered cases has been increasing greatly as well. At this time, 127,000 people have recovered just in the US and 986,000 across the world. Along with the improved statistics, there have been great efforts put in around the world to develop a vaccine to cure the virus and according to the world health organization, there are 122 potential vaccines in progress with 8 of them approved for clinical trials. If we zoom in further into just our community and NYC, you can see that there is an increase of testing sites to help further speed up the process and the Governor has already been discussing plans for re-opening the city once the numbers in certain regions improve even more.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now?
The whole situation going on around us at times hasn't felt completely real. We as a society have never had to deal with this type of situation before and I feel that it has been really hard for everyone to adapt to it all. Personally I've been trying to keep the day as normal as possible to distract from how "unnormal" everything outside is. I attempt to keep a routine throughout the day by getting up and going to sleep at the same. With the whole situation I have been spending a lot more time with family and just hanging out with them whenever I get bored which has been quite nice. Along with that, I've been face timing friends and messaging friends as a way to make sure everyone is doing fine and to stay connected during all of this. I have also managed to find ways to keep entertained with new hobbies to prevent getting bored or just staying on my phone all day.

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