Thursday, November 1, 2018

Celina Lin #7-19 Blogger

November 1st, 2018

Aim: How do The Witches set the mood and foreshadow events for the play?

Continuing from the Introduction of MacBeth

Facts about the Setting:
- Scotland was not a traditional monarchy . A king's son would usually get the throne, but under extreme circumstances, the nobles of Scotland could vote for a different successor.

- Scotland is in war in the beginning of the play. Mackdonwald, a rebel tries to overthrow Duncan and make a deal with the King of Norway.

- The rules of the Host and Guest still applies. The rule is that the Host must provide lavishly and the best of the ability for his of her guests. The rule was practiced from the most poor to the most rich. The Host would guaranteed their guest's safety and anticipate their needs and provide them with everything they need. They would treat their guests better than the people living there.

We watched a video on Macbeth and that gave us an introduction to the characters in the book and their roles.

Vocabulary terms for today's lesson:

-daimonic- the crazed passion which drives extreme behaviors
- ananagnorisis- the moment the character realizes he/she has made a tragic error in action/judgement.

Class Discussion: Does the scene appear as you envisioned it? How or how not?
What prophecies do they "hail" for Macbeth and Banquo?

Group Work: Big Paper/Little Paper(The Silent Discussion)
-Each person must respond to the "little paper" SILENTLY by writing his/thoughts on the "big paper"
-No verbal communication
- Respond directly to the quote, respond to a group-mate, make a connection or do it all.

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