Friday, November 2, 2018

“Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair”

Kelly Lin
November 2, 2018
Mrs. Fusaro-Pizzo, Blogger #20Sophomores, Period 7

Aim: How does Macbeth’s multiple or conflicting motivations compared with his interaction with other characters advance the plot or develop the theme?

DONOW: Pair Share
What conclusion did you draw about “Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair” from Your Big Paper/Little Paer discussion?

In class, students volunteered to read out loud Act 1, scene 2, bravely standing in front of the entire class and projecting their voice loud and clear.

As we are reading, we realize the three Witches could change and manipulate nature but they can not killed a man himself with their magic. Connecting it with Greek mythology, we see that Shakespeare was probably inspire by Goddess, for example Demeter, of nature, which is why the Witches power is only limited to nature.

Aside can be soliloquy but soliloquy.
Aside- thinking out loud or conversation with other that is heard by the audience but not meant for other character to hear 

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