Monday, October 29, 2018

Introduction to Macbeth, Blogger 7-16, 10/29/18

Monday, October 29, 2018.

Vocab Quiz - Unit 2: Quiz on Unit 2 Vocabulary Words.

Introduction To Macbeth

Aim: How can we familiarize ourselves with Macbeth?

Supposedly saying the word “Macbeth” in a theater will bring bad luck to the play. To Reverse the bad luck if the word is said, the person who must exit the theater, spin around three times saying profanity, then ask for permission to return inside the theater.
Many weird things happen when the play Macbeth is acted out.

The Characters Of Macbeth:
- Macbeth. A Scottish General and the thane of Glamis. He is not comfortable with the role of the villan.
- Lady Macbeth. Deeply ambitious. Lusts for power and position.
- The Three Witches.
- Banquo. A noble general. He represents the path that Macbeth did not take.
- Macduff. A Scottish nobleman.
- King Duncan. Good king of Scotland. Virtuous and benevolent.
- Malcom. Returns order following Macbeth’s reign of terror.

Many plays, movies, and TV series has referenced Macbeth:
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Starfox
- Greys Anatomy
- Simpsons
and many more...

Group Work: The use of supernatural is used throughout Macbeth. Explain the purpose that Shakespeare might have had to use the supernatural. Consider the time period of the play (1605) the audience and King James.
- Many of Shakespeare’s plays have supernatural.
- Right after middle ages, which had a lot of death.
- People were very intrigued by these topics.

We then pick our new teams for our group numbers.

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