Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blog #2, Agustin Ballinas, Blogger #7-2

September 24, 2018
Mrs. Fusaro-Pizzo, Blogger #7-2
Sophomores, Period 7

Aim: Presenting Fahrenheit 451 Newspaper projects.

Do Now: Fill in the Newspaper projects rubric sheet and get ready to present with your group.

The Happy News (On the left) is the first group to present and their Newspaper has a main article about the protagonist of the story Guy Montag as well as a side advertisement about toothpaste and this is a reference to something that happened in Fahrenheit 451. The following presentations followed a similar pattern of having a main article that was a major event in the story and having advertisements that included details or objects from the plot.

After each presentation the newspapers were passed around and we saw each of the newspapers and we saw the details that we couldn't see when they were being presented. This project helped us by making us envision the story and forcing us to try and report the events of the book as if they were actually occurring. In the last few minutes of class, group members were talking with one another about the presentations and some groups were sighing with relief that they didn't have to present today.

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