Saturday, September 22, 2018

Blog #1, Sarah Afif, Blogger #7-1

September 21, 2018
Mrs. Fusaro-Pizzo, Blogger #7-1
Sophomores, Period 7

Aim: How does the exposition of Lord of the Flies set up the novel to question how society structures the transition from childhood to adulthood?

Do Now: Review the "Legal Ages" worksheet (pictured below) and write down what you think the legal age is for each activity. Fill in the actual correct ages when they are revealed. Then, for each activity, jot down your thoughts on whether this seems to be the appropriate legal age and why.

After taking a look at the "Legal Ages" worksheet, we discussed if we think these age restrictions were appropriate. We read "How Old is Old Enough" (linked below) and used close reading and annotations to help us further comprehend the article. After reading, we discussed the article and related it back to "The Lord of the Flies," shortly discussing how young and immature the boys were, yet how much responsibility they had to have. 

"How Old is Old Enough":

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