Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blog #3, George Baslous, Blogger #7-3

September 25,2018
Mrs. Fusaro-Pizzo, Blogger #7-3
Sophomores, Period 7

 In your teams, complete a TQE of Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies.

Do Now: Discuss and record your thoughts, questions, and enlightenment about Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies." Be prepared to share with the class.

During today's class period, we talked within our teams about questions or thoughts we had after reading chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies." Each of our groups recorded what we discussed, and then people from each team shared their ideas with the rest of the class. Here are some of the TQE's from today's discussion:

By sharing our thoughts and ideas about the book, we were able to build off of each other and further the discussion. We spoke about how the boys in the book were acting mature and responsible by themselves on the island, despite their young age, and we also spoke about how well William Golding used characterization and dialogue to develop his characters.

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