Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Oluwabiyi Shittu, Period 1, 12/18/23

Oluwabiyi Shittu
Period 1
Literacy and Learning

When I first learned about the Hamas attacks I was horrified just like anyone else. I was saddened by the loss of life and that was it, just another tragedy in the news that has become commonplace. However, this was not the end of this particular tragedy. As the story gained traction and began popping up on social media, it even became a talking point between my peers. This discourse spurred me to educate myself on the situation so I could participate in these conversations. As I began to educate myself however I began to feel a different feeling that differed from my earlier feeling of horror. A feeling of sadness welled up in me for the jewish people who were stricken with terror after the attacks and also sadness for the Palestinian people who have been suffering.

While the terror attacks are indefensible and Hamas is undoubtedly a terrorist organization, this cannot blind us from the atrocities that have been committed against the Palestinian people. For 50+ years the palestinian people have suffered atrocities levied against them time after time. The media coverage of the situation only started once Israel was attacked and was blind to all the sufferings of the Palestinians. I feel as if this situation is especially relevant to our coursework as many of the justifications I see on the part of Israel are from the bible and their status as chosen people of the lord. This relates back to what we are learning in class, where religion is used as justification as is so integral to many cultures. I dont think that religion can be used in modern times as a justification for genocide and atrocity. I think religion is one of the best and worst things humanity has ever created.

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