Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Christian Fletcher, Period 1, 9/22/2023

Christian Fletcher

Period 1, Blog #1


Literacy & Learning

Write about your thoughts/feelings regarding any of the fiction or nonfiction covered in class.
If I had to share my opinion on any of the fictions or non fictions in which we covered thus far this year it would be Peter Pan. Although the clip itself was very short, the lesson that surrounded it was a huge eye opener for me. The concept of Literary Theories was something completely new to me. That format of thinking kind of opened my eyes to analyze both sides of the text. Sometimes we look at things from our perspective not really realizing how the author, writer or creator might see it. For example, during the lesson which included that peter pan clip of the native americans. We had to do it because, but, so using a lens / theory. I chose the Critical Race Theory simply because it was the most obvious one there for me. I stated how Disney incorrectly depicts the Native Ameicans with their skin being red and them making noises that were supposed to be callings. It was brought to my attention though that despite that indeed being an incorrect representation of Native Americans, that given the time period and their knowledge on them that's what they had to work with, with Redskins being their nickname and not much being known about them Disney tried to depict them to the best of their ability and weren't necessarily trying to be racist or depict them a certain way.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
As I said earlier literary theory really opened up a whole new world of textual analysis for me. Even though I’ve always analyzed texts from both perspectives Literary Theory really helps to point out not only what is necessarily “wrong” about a text but also why it’s that way. It allows me to really dig deeper into the text and has kind of almost forced me to consider more than one factor and not always jump to conclusions. Also the concept of reimaging a text through a lens was also something that was almost revolutionary to me. By reimagining a text not only was I able to point out the flaw in a text but also come up with different ways I could fix it. When I reimagined Elemental it was only then that I realized it was a immigration story, something I didn’t really think about until then. In other words literary theory has allowed me to critically analyze texts, shows, movies etc from angles which were not really available to me before I was educated on Literary Theory.

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
Honestly speaking, ever since I’ve learned literary theory in a way its teachings have kind of become second nature for me to utilize most of the time in general. I’ve always “analyzed” my daily life and my surroundings in a similar nature. Despite that Literary Theory has allowed me to further analyze certain things. I also apply it to the work I do in my publications class. Before I think about putting certain things inside of a video I have to consider how it will be taken by multiple demographics as well as if it caters to all if not as many demographics as possible. Literary Theories teachings is definitely one of those things that you definitely use within your everyday life and I certainly do.

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