Friday, June 2, 2023

Damon Zhang, Period 7, 5/24/23

 Damon Zhang

Period 7


Modern Mythology 

Creativity and Fiction

There is no way this has happened.

They evolved.

Somehow, what can only be described as “The Fungus” from The Last of Us, the “T Virus” from Resident Evil, and the “Rage Virus” from 28 Days Later, combined with Solanum to create a species of… creatures with speed and strength that even Satan would envy. I have been chosen to record the remains of the human race after the new strain emerged. I gathered some documents of first hand experiences from those who I hope are still alive.


A bloodstained and torn letter, addressed to “Harold King”

The government has abandoned us. Their false words that “everything will be ok” only assured the naive children that reside with us in this hospital. Everyday, more of us go down. Everyday, the officials say “help is coming”. 

Some of us are considering making a run for it to New Washington, but others still trust the calming words of the government, as if they’re chickens being led to the slaughterhouse. Tensions rose and I fear a violent result when they leave.

Yours truly,

Alex Smithson


From the Healing Waters Church

A crumpled loose leaf paper found in a trash can

Author redacted

The sickening screeches from the creatures were washed out by the church choir. The people in here are mostly living at peace it seems, greeting each other with sermons and prayers, and when someone unfortunate is killed, whether by cholera from the poorly maintained pipelines or the horde, they’re met with mostly words of prayers. Most people seem to support the activities in the church, but I think I’m the only one who thinks all of this is [CENSORED]. The denizens think that thoughts and prayers can only save you from so much. I’d speak out, but I’m one of many who remains unarmed. I gotta get outta here.


A journal scrap from “Redshirt”

Changes to “them” or not, life remains the same. Shooting, eating, praying to god I don’t get bit. Death is not an escape for me, as I still have my children to tend to, they are my only light. Everyday, I fight in the hopes that they can walk in the meadows without fear. Apart from my kids, Benny and Bonnie, I trust no one else. Not the government, not the clergy, not the rich. No one. What may seem as an outcast may be the lone wolf who survives when it is all over. 



Benny is gone.

Bonnie is frantic, and I have no idea where he went. I could have sworn he was playing with the police truck, but he is gone. We are packing our bags and trying to find him.



Is this the resolution I had hoped for?

We went to the police station. Benny loved the police. It was the first place we would go when he went missing. I hate to rely on the help of others, but… The police station was our best bet. I didn’t expect much from them, but after seeing the truck there… It was horrible. I don’t want to write what they did to Benny, but we are going back home. On the bright side, I heard that some laboratories called “TerraGroup” are on the verge of creating an antidote to reverse “them”.


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