Thursday, May 18, 2023

Sasha Vasilenko, Period 6, 5/19/23

 Sasha Vasilenko 

pd 6, 5/19/23

Modern Mythology 2023

Socio-political Consciousness

Many communities are impacted by issues of inequity, oppression, and power, including sexism. It’s seen in many ways, such as objectification, stereotyping, and unfair treatment. Sexism reinforces unjust power dynamics, which limits the potential of genders and reinforces gender inequity. The sexism stereotypes contend that women are less capable and unsuited for the same tasks men are. Taking STEM freshman year is what initially opened my eyes to these issues. Freshman year, especially, it was “funny” to joke about how girls in that room should have just stood back as the boys did the work. 

In order to create a fair society, it’s important to reflect on personal beliefs. I like to consider where my opinions came from, and why I think the way I do, especially with so much misinformation all over the internet. With this, I’ve learned to keep an open mind. I also believe that it’s important to acknowledge biases and promote educating others. We should be willing to learn from others with different perspectives. Doing so helps us be more understanding, thereby making us better allies and advocates. 

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