Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Kelly Huang Period 7 5/5/23

 Kelly Huang

Period 7


Model Mythology 2023

Creativity & Fiction 

It's a once in a lifetime chance to interview a vampire, a being that is only known to exist in a fantasy setting. Sitting right in front of me is a two hundred year old vampire filled with many regrets. Contrary to popular belief, this vampire is capable of feeling human emotions and can shed tears. Louis, the name of the vampire, recounts how he met Lestat and became who he is. 

“Lestat was someone who always strived to live a luxurious life. His clothes were made with the finest clothes and jewels adorned his fingers.” Louis fiddled with the ring he wore on his finger. 

“If only his personality was as decent as the clothes he wore. Even if it’s just a little bit.” Both of us cackled at that statement. 

Moments like this make me forget that I’m interviewing a vampire and not a human. His laid back attitude and welcoming atmosphere crumbled the wall I built up. He went on to tell his painfully long journey with a teacher who can’t teach for god’s sake. 

“If I'd known where the other vampires were, I wouldn’t have stuck to Lestat’s side for years. Imagine how I must have felt to have to live with an insufferable person like Lestat for decades. Constantly whining about this and that. Picky with his food. The prey has to be a certain age, silky white skin, blood must be at a specific temperature, and so on. If I wasn’t a vampire with great healing abilities, my ears would’ve bled and gone deaf long ago.” 

I'm starting to feel like this is more of a rant session rather than an interview. 

“Along the way, we met a little girl named Claudia. On that fateful night, my suppressed hunger for blood overthrew my conscience and the conviction I held.” Louis’ eyes looked distant, as if he was reliving the past in his mind. 

I wonder how devastated he must’ve been. He was so against killing innocent humans, but ultimately found himself feeding on a little child. 

Louis continued about his little “family” journey throughout 60 years. Killing humans here and there, going to gatherings and balls to blend into society. It’s amazing how vampires had more of a social life than I did. I mean, all I do is go around interviewing people about their life or any interesting story to gossip about. 

By the end of the interview, Louis stood up and walked to the window. Suddenly the lights in the room turned off and only Louis’ silhouette was visible as the light from the streets illuminated his figure. 

“Now that I shared my story. Do you understand that the life of a vampire is not all rainbows and butterflies.” Louis said with a hint of sadness and regret.

“Yeah! Of course I understand. Living an eternal life and having superhuman strength is amazing. Please make me your disciple!” I exclaimed with excitement.

Louis just stood there and slowly turned around with a dumbfounded look. Why is he looking at me like I’ve grown two heads? Is he short on blood?

“Did nothing I shared with you registered in your brain. Being a vampire brings nothing but misery. People you love will leave you in a blink of an eye. Human life is just a fraction of a second compared to a vampire.” Each word came out louder and harsher. His laid back attitude and welcoming air were all gone in an instant. 

“Should’ve expected this to happen. You're no different than all the other humans who interviewed me. Greedy beings who only want power and immortality, but failed to consider the consequences. How much more humans must be sacrificed to fill your bellies if you all want to become a vampire” With each sentence, Louis steps closer to me with an intimidating aura. 

I walk back towards the other side of the room without taking my eyes off of the vampire who’s leaking bloodlust. Afraid that I’ll be attacked the moment I look elsewhere. 

“W-what’s wrong with wanting to live forever. Is it so wrong for us mortals to fear death?” I said with a stutter. My whole body trembles from fear. 

“There’s nothing wrong with fearing death, but the pressing matter here is that you’re willing to give up your humanity and live as a monster because of said fear. You would become a monster who feeds on other humans who might even have the same fear, yet you wouldn’t bat an eye to their pleas for mercy. You would succumb to your thirst and hunger. Your vampir instincts would override your human side. You’ll feed on anyone human you come across. Be it your friend, family, or lover. Vampires don’t discriminate when they are starved. Do you wish for that to happen?! See the people close to you die! Do you?!” Louis growled at me with such ferociousness I almost pissed my pants. 

“N-no. That’s not w-what I had in mind. I was thoughtless and didn’t think about the consequences. I promise I won’t ask to be a vampire now or in the future.” I responded timidly. Praying to gods that the vampire baring his fangs at me won’t kill me. 

“Good. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind to feed on you.” Without a second thought, I was out of that room in an instant. I quickly scurried in my pocket for my car keys. Once I got them I immediately opened the car door and sped out of the parking lot. 

Never had I been so scared in my life. The strength he displayed clearly demonstrated the strength difference between a vampire and that of a human’s. While lost in thought, my car hit something with much force. Was it a deer? I got out of the car and checked what I hit, but to my surprise there was nothing. Thinking it ran away, I went back to the car. The moment I went back in, I felt a chill on my neck. Then a deep sultry voice spoke. 

“Mind interviewing me as well.” The intruder in the car spoke. “The name’s Lestat.”

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