Monday, April 3, 2023

Tyrone Chen, Period 6, 4/3/23

 Tyrone Chen, PD6, 4/3/23

Craft a piece of FAN fiction related to any of the reading we’ve done in class that addresses one or more of the following:

  • Literary elements (i.e. structure, tone, diction, mood, irony, and figurative language) to craft a narrative.

  • Structural features of drama (stage directions, character attributions/tags, dialogue, monologues, and/or soliloquies) to craft a script.

  • Multidimensional characters to develop themes and create socio-political metaphors.

Disclaimer: Anything in this story is purely fanfiction. If there is anything that offends you, I apologize beforehand. I tried to keep the character interactions in line with the time period set in which may be offensive to some people. 

Time period: This is 3 years after Louis turned into a vampire (1794)

Where am I? 

Why am I on the floor? 

Who am I? 

As I groggily got up from the forest floor, I saw the sun slowly rising above the horizon. As I reach my hand out, grasping the distance to feel the warm rays of sunlight, I feel a burning sensation. 


What was that? 

With a newfound sense of fear towards the original pleasant warm rays of the sun, I slowly back away. As the morning slowly approaches, the shadows of the tree seem to fade away as I struggle to run for cover. Shrugging away the confusion, I took cover under a great oak tree just a few hundred feet away. 

Confusion set in. Most importantly, hunger… 

A squirrel ran past me, but why was it running in slow motion? As I reached out my hand to catch it, I felt a fist full of fur. I snapped its neck as I hungrily drank from its guts, squeezing the squirrel and emptying it into my mouth. As I drank more, my mind had nothing else but a seemingly never ending hunger for the intoxicating red liquid. 

I killed my ways through the forest leaving a path littered with various animals. Finally coming to my senses, I spat the last bits of fur from my mouth. 


Why was I drinking blood and enjoying it? Who was I again? 

Shrugging away the confusion, I ran away avoiding the sunlight until night fell. Finally I could freely walk, without worrying about the sun. Coming across a horde of shabby wooden structures I see a man walking towards me

“G-George? You’re still alive?” he says. 

“You know who I am?” I said I was hopeful for an answer. 

“You don’t remember?” he says “Maybe it’s better this way”. 

Frantically, the man says “Get out of here before those people find you. Just trust me. Follow the stars and go North and you’ll soon find safety.” 

Having no choice but to obey his words I quickly escaped with the cover of night avoiding all flashes of light with a newfound speed and heightened senses. The next few days I spent observing my surroundings trying to figure out what exactly I had woken up into. Realizing the state this place was in disgusted me. People like me were forced to work for those with tofu like skin. Whips were used. Scars were made. My mind tormented me as I realized the man’s words were true. I had to escape. 

Sleeping in trees using my new found strength, I traveled at night following the brightest star in the night sky. I still found myself hunting squirrels. I finally realized what I was… a blood sucker. One of those monsters I used to hear my mama tell me about. 

Wait, my mama. I could distinctly remember her face, but who am I? 

Filled with hope that my memory could come back, I started my journey again. Crap was that firelight I just saw? 

“I know yer there. Come out” I hear a girl say. 

I slowly crept out from behind the tree and I saw a small girl. 

“My mommy told me to take in any black people I saw. Come on.” she said. Hesitant I followed her thinking I could just escape with my new super speed if worse comes to worse. 

“Come on in,” I heard an older woman say to me. I looked up and saw a woman, the splitting image of the young girl.  

“We have been helping people like you for a long time now. Just follow this map and leave at first light.” the older woman says to me. 

“Thank you ma’am but I will just take off tonight under the cover of darkness.” I said back. 

“Whatever suits you” the older woman sighs. 

As I took the map and left I took one last look at the young girl and promised “I will help you however I can in the future alright?

“Alright be safe!” the young squealed in a cute voice said back to me. 

“Come back home and sleep… Claudia”. 

I took off and after a few grueling months I finally arrived at the safe house in the North that housed people like me giving me a job as a tailor. 

65 years passed just like that. Snippets of memories came back to me from time to time but I could never remember the life of George. A name so familiar yet so foreign. I now go by Abram, a reminder of the first person I ever killed. A feat I vowed to never do again. I’ve come to terms with my life trying to use my newfound longevity for good. 

I was one of the founders of the Underground railroad, helping other slaves just like that young child and her mom helped me all those years ago. Having long quit my tailor job to avoid suspicion about my youthful looks, I spend my time traveling secretly gathering supporters for the war to come. 

One faithful day in Mississippi, after trying to gather political support to join the North for the war, I see a man and a little girl dragging a limp body with an object sticking out from its chest into a river. 

Isn’t that Claudia? How can she be alive? 

Distrusting of my eyes,  I went to investigate the river after the duo had left. There was a dead body with its throat slit and stake in its chest, but the body twitched. 

Is it a vampire like me? Are they all vampires? 

Desperate for answers I frantically dragged the limp body from the river bank and fed it my blood. Taking out the stake, the chest slowly closed on itself. 

Now I pray, funny how an all powerful immortal being is praying huh. 

Luckily the body started to move. Placing a stake on his neck I slowly raised his head to meet my eyes. 

“Who are you?” I asked him. 

“Lestat, and who might you be?” he asked me. 

“Abram. Are you also a vampire” I asked. 

“Well I guess you can call me that.” Lestat replied. 

“Who were the other two?” I asked him. 

“Why should I tell you?” Lestat replied. 

“Because of this” I replied as I stuck my stake deeper into his skin until I saw a dribble of red flowing down his pale skin. 

“W-wait. Stop. I can tell you. Do you really not recognize him?” Lestat said. 

“Him? Why would I recognize him? Who’s the little girl?”. 

“Ahh” Lestat smirked. “She is Claudia, Louis turned her too.” 

What, Claudia. She was still alive. I still remember all those years ago where she helped me. Now she might be in danger. 

“Don’t you want to know about yourself?” Lestat suddenly said. 

What?How did he know?

“Well considering how you don’t recognize me or the man named Louis before, you must have lost your memories. Only Louis can tell you more about yourself.” Lestat said with that annoying grin on his face. 

“Well you’re gonna bring me to them” I said. 

“With pleasure,” Lestat said. 

So the chase began. Abandoning my missions to free my people I brought Lestat with me and chased. All the way across the sea to Europe until one day I heard a rumor about a vampire being vanquished in a small town. 

Found you. 

Finally Lestat and I made it to the countryside to a small inn. There she was… 


“Claudia, is Louis hurting you. Come with me. I’ll protect you”. 

“YOU! What? How are you alive?” Claudia replied. 

“I recommend you leave. I’m not who you think I am” Claudia says as she walks back to her room.

Shaken, seeing how such an innocent child can turn so cold, I promised. Louis, I’ll kill you. 

“So cruel isn’t it. How manipulative Louis is, even willing to turn a child” Lestat suddenly popped in and said. 

“So be it. I will kill him”. I said. 

“Okay let’s go” Lestat said with a sadistic grin on his face. 

Marching up the stairs I barged into the room to find the man I had seen all those years ago. The man I had loathed these years. The man I had hoped to see, to ask him. 

“I’m gonna kill you, you vile being. But first tell me, who am I?”  said as I lifted him by his neck.

Louis’ face turned pale seeing my face. 


“I’ll tell you who you are.” 

Blood splat on Louis’ pale skin. I looked down to see a stake pierced through my chest. 

“You’re just an insignificant piece that I have to get rid of. Right Claudia?” Lestat said with that same smirk he wore on the day I first met him.

Turning my head now laying on the floor towards the doorway I saw the same little girl I saw all those years ago. 

Vulnerable with tears streaming down her face. 

“NOO” she cried. 

“It’s okay” I managed to croak out. 

“You’re just Louis’ first kill. Nothing more. An insignificant part of this world. With you gone, we’ve tied up all our loose ends” Lestat said as his smirk grew wider. 

So I was just someone that got lucky living an extra 65 years of life. What was the point of my existence? Is this really the end this time…? 

“Well you’re welcome Louis. I saved you. You’re welcome Claudia I cleaned up your past for you. I have no idea how he managed to become a vampire but we’ll just say that man was another vampire we killed. Now we can go back to being our little trio, right?” Lestat says with his open arms as Abram takes his final breath. 

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