Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Arie loselevich, Period 2, 4/4/23

Literacy & Learning

Currently in class we’re reading “Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice. This book is essentially what the title says–a vampire telling his life story to a reporter. Although I was not initially a fan of this book, it very recently started to grow on me. Around 2 weeks ago my group was tasked with creating a presentation for the class. In order to create this presentation, I had to carefully reread sections of the book in order to fully understand the theme of life after death in this book. By creating this presentation, I not only developed a passion for this book, but also started thinking about life. Although it’s pretty simple to comprehend, it astounds me how after killing so many people, Louis is still hesitant about killing others. It gets me wondering about whether he would prefer to be a mortal. If he chooses the moral option, it shows that he understands the value of life. This past weekend I was watching the movie Saw and it got me thinking about the value of life again. In this movie a killer puts people into life threatening situations and the only way for someone to escape is to do something which shows that you learned and now have a new perspective on life. I find it very ironic how in both this movie and in our book the people that are essentially forced to kill learn the value of life. From this I understand that I really do take life for granted and I am doing my best to spend as much time with my loved ones as possible. This weekend my dad had to drive my mom somewhere and although it was inconvenient, I went with him. Rather than staying in my room, I occasionally go down to check on my parents. This new perspective wouldn't be possible without this book.

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