Thursday, November 3, 2022

Jian Hong Su, Period 6, 11/3/22

 Atomic Habits & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific standards have you set  for yourself? 

How and why did you come to craft these standards? 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving these standards?

How do you assess yourself?  What adjustments do you make? How often?

At this current point in time, I have set 3 standards for myself: to stop procrastinating, discipline myself better, and to lessen my consumption of social media. I’ve realized over the summer and with the college application deadlines that I am way too distracted by almost anything, to the point that I am unable to concentrate on my work for a period of time without getting the itch to check my phone, get food, etc. My attention span has become so low, and I have attributed that to my overuse of the internet. My deadlines are being met, but only at the last possible moment, and I am unable to commit to anything. Sometimes I tell myself that I need to maintain a better diet, but a week later I suddenly find myself snacking on chips and soda while enjoying a good show. I have so many faults that are detrimental to my lifestyle and my work-life balance is completely off. For my last year before college, I at least want to prepare myself by adjusting to a better and more productive lifestyle. 

Since school started, I have set a limit on my screen time for my phone. I am only allowed 2 hours of total screen time for any entertainment type app, except on weekends. As for my procrastination habits, I set reminders and alarms telling myself to start working. At first, the alarms never worked, as I simply silence those alarms and continue scrolling through social media. However, a month into the school year, I found myself sometimes listening to my reminders. Here and there, I submit assignments a day before it’s due, alleviating a bit of my worries the next day. 

I’m working on my issues of procrastination and screen time, but I have not yet found a solution for discipline. It might be something in my nature, but I simply cannot commit to anything. Half of my mind wants one thing, and the other, lazier half wants the opposite. Unfortunately, more often than not, I listen to my lazier half. I signed up for clubs and I attended the first meeting, but I did not show up for the second one. Sometimes I work out, go to the gym and stick to my routine, but other days I skip and relax at home with junk food. I keep telling myself that I need to change, but I can never bring myself to go through with that change. (If anyone has tips or suggestions please let me know)

Everyday, I am assessing myself. I am always checking my to-do in google classroom and see what assignments I should prioritize. I make adjustments based on my progress on bigger assignments such as tests and projects. If I see that I have a big upcoming test, I try to study little by little on days prior to the test instead of cramming it all on the last day. I set progress checks for projects so that I don’t have to rush it all the night before. Little by little, I try to maintain a more healthy work-life balance that I can utilize for the rest of my life. 

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