Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Nicholas Paronich, Period 2, 10/19/22

Atomic Habits & Growth
  • At this current point in time, what specific standards have you set for yourself?
  • How and why did you come to craft these standards?
  • How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving these standards?
  • How do you assess yourself? What adjustments do you make? How often?
It is October of 2022. Despite being my last year of high school before I go off to college, I am not relaxed yet. College applications for early decisions and early actions are due in about a week and a half meaning I have to complete my supplemental and common app essay in that time. This is the last addition to my application therefore it needs to be perfect. This has put a lot of stress on me but I have set standards to overcome it. Throughout October, I made wasting time a mortal sin for myself and have dedicated much of each day to productive thinking or work. If college is not being done, I am working on school work. If its not school work, it’s studying. If it’s not studying its working out. If it’s not working out it’s talking to my family. With this, my phone usage as well as hanging out is limited. Despite this seeming extreme, it increases my motivation to get through the next week and a half knowing what lies ahead. I am tempted every day by my computer, my phone, my bed and so much more. I want a weekend to rest or a thursday night to hang out with my friends. But I know this will be worth it in the long run therefore I will stick to my word. Not only will this help me with the college applications but if I take pieces of this lifestyle and move forward with it, I can develop a healthy, balanced work - life schedule. I will not stress about being underprepared nor will I stress about missing out. This has been paying off with my grades on tests in subjects I was worried about such as AP chemistry and great reviews on my essays from english professors. It has proved to me that my hard work is paying off even if it is draining. Every day my plan works is another day I can find the drive to stick with it. My motivation grows to become better academically and improve my overall lifestyle, leaving me with goals higher than I can see. Although I know its still early in the school year, I believe I have set myself on the road for success with these achievements.

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