Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Jason Huang, Period 8, 5/6/22

 Jason Huang

Period 8


Modern Mythology 2022

Creativity & Fiction

Down in the depths of the jungle, there was a Lion, Leopard and Tiger. The Tiger has been comfortably sitting on its throne for most of its entire life. Every day, the Tiger would sit on its throne while the Leopard would be feeding him grapes and the Lion would be fanning him. One day the Lion told the Leopard, "I'm sick and tired of this Tiger. How and why is he in charge of us? He is definitely too weak to control us". The Leopard agreed and after a long and hard day of working and pleasing the Tiger, he followed the Lion to his den. Inside the den, the Leopard devised a plan to dethrone the Tiger. 

At the end of the next day, the Lion and Leopard nervously confronted the Tiger and said, "We are sick and tired of how you treat us everyday. We are worked to the ground and given no respect. So we challenge you in a competition for the throne”! The Tiger confidently accepted and then laughed hysterically. He exclaimed, "Don't you guys know how and why I'm on the throne. I am stronger and better than all you animals." With that being said, the Lion went back to his den and shortly after, the Leopard shaikly retreated back to the Lion’s den worried and scared of the Tiger. As the Leopard entered the Lion’s den, he said, “Don’t worry about the competition tomorrow. You’ll be fine. Remember, the Tiger sits around on his throne every day. Surely he has nothing on us.”

The day of the competition had arrived and the Tiger was as confident as ever. The Tiger exclaimed to the other animals, "Stop wasting your time. You all know why I'm the king of the jungle." As the competition started with the speed race, the Tiger surprised the Lion and started out strong. But it was evident that being on the throne all day caused the Tiger to be a shell of his former self. At the end of the competition with the strength test, the lion dominated and was the clear cut favorite to be the new king of the jungle. While, the Tiger was clearly out of his league and utterly disgraceful to be named the king.

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