Cesar Velez, Period 8, 3/28/22
Creativity and Fiction
When we were given the task of creating a short film depictnig a monster we tough it would be easy. Creative people creating a world in which something or someone terrorizes our other charaters. Turns out, We were wrong. Creating this film would be much harder than initially though. To begin, we needed a monster. This turned out to be harder than initially imaged. The process began with deciding whether we wanted a physical or mental monster. The Idea of a phycological thriller really excited the team do in the end, we went down that path. Furthermore, we wanted out monster to mean something. We wanted to be able to send a message trough the film, something to cause people to reflect on their own lives or acknowledge the difficulties that others face. At first we landed on the idea that our monster would be the inoersonation of depression. It would be a debilitating cast that took over the host killing it from the inside. This was gong well for a bit but we soon ran into several issues. One of teh main issues was that it was unclear for he audience what the monster was, and we were afraid we were misrepresenting the disease. As we began from scratch again, we pivoted and angle for something more specific. In the end we decided that our monster should represent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. With this new monster we were able to arrive at our final image for the monster. Instead of the monster being an embodiment that take over tha characters lives, we tried to stay more true to the actual effects of PTSD as the monster ended being a kind of ghost that haunted out main character.
After we finalized the vision for the project, we began the concrete planning. This would include the writing of teh script and the scene mapping. These would be the two most important aspects of the film because they laided out our plan for the film. The script took the longest time to complete as it no only had to allow for the plot to develop, but also because we had to develop te characters throughout. This part of the project also began the specialization of the team as we had to break into groups to the work flow more efficiently. My group was in charge of the scene mapping. This process, while slightly tedious, was exxtremey important to the final product. We would confer wth the script and try and create shot that emphisized a certain mood. Or we would isolate the main character beause it was a defining moment for his development. After all the planing tok place, it was time to finally film.
The main issues we ran into while filming was our ability to shoot the scenes in the manne that we planned. Frthermore, the acting portion was slightly mor difficult than we imagined. There would be slight variations that we would make throughout the filming made the process even longer. While it seemed tedious at times, the slight change of camera angle or the delivery of a line was crucial to being able to get the exact feel that we wanted for each scene of he film. Filming also took a large amount of cooperation between all team members. We had to be able to work off eachotheres dialoague as a lot of acting was non-verbal. All-in-all, we all had to work together and do our part for the film to come out the way it did, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to create this film.
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