Monday, March 28, 2022

Shengrui Shao, Period 1, 3/21/22

 Recently, we finished reading the book Grendel by John Gardner. It is a story written from the perspective of Grendel, the monster from Beowulf. Along with the incorporation of different ideologies, symbols are heavily used throughout the book. As the first view of Grendel that was presented to us was this monster, seeing Grendel’s character development and internal feelings. Grendel was like a teenager, trying to find his purpose within a world that he doesn’t fit in. In class discussions, there is always something that I would miss when I read it myself. One example I really liked was the hidden zodiac signs within the chapters. 

    With the different symbols that were discussed in How to Read Literature like a Professor, there is a list of the different symbols that a text may have. Before we started reading Interview with the Vampire, I had not really paid attention to the text. However, now taking a closer look into this text, I have realized that there are many hidden symbols in different texts. For example, there was a bible reference in the recent chapter of Interview with the Vampire, when Claudia, using a Bible reference, called Lestat the devil. Another example was the whole character of Grendel of him being a monster because he was a descendant of Cain. 

    In one of the Interview with the Vampire lessons, we emphasized on Louis “mourning for the morning”. We talked about how we should appreciate how we are now. By sharing pictures, we are brought back to that moment that makes us truly happy. In the modern day, the pace of life has picked up, with browsing through social media and fast-paced days, we should take some time to slow down on life, remember the little things that brings joy. 

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