Nicholas Lombardo
Period 1
Modern Mythology 2022
Socio-political Consciousness
The richest 50 people in the world have as much money as the bottom half combined. This means the poorest 3,500,000,000 people are living off as much wealth as the 0.000000072%. Hearing this statistic and those like it never fails to send a shiver down my spine. It baffles me how so few people could have so much while the average person lives on the brink of poverty. I know I am not alone in my confusion as the vast majority of people, on both sides of the aisle, say they want to live in a more equitable society. It is also important to consider how the problem of wealth concentration intersects with other issues our country is facing such as racial inequity. The history of our country has resulted in a large racial wealth gap that has yet to be closed.
As I reflect on the issues facing so many people, I am grateful to live in an American middle-class household. Even the average American can call themselves a member of the global upper 10% of the population. Many people do not have the luxuries we take for granted. Learning about the issue of poverty has inspired me to practice gratitude and take nothing for granted.
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