Monday, January 3, 2022

Annie Liang, Period 1, 1/3/21

 Annie Liang, Period 1, 1/3/21

Literacy & Learning

Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or nonfiction covered in class.

Though it has been a while since our class has moved on from the fairytale unit, the lesson on critical theory still echoes in my head as our class continues to read various pieces of literature. In particular, the assignment where we had to apply a critical theory to a variation of the Cinderella story was one of the most memorable. There is a pattern that I noticed with all the variations of the Cinderella stories and it was that, without a fail, there was a girl living in an unfortunate situation and the main antagonist was a member of her family though in the U.S. it’s most notably the step-mother. There were many variations across various cultures and countries but they continue to perpetrate the traditional values that society believed women should adhere to. There wasn’t a single story that didn’t allude to the protagonist being beautiful, kind, and the perfect wife in some sort of way. It’s interesting to see how there are so many different cultures and traditions but the worth of a woman based on shallow societal standards remains constant.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

I have the privilege of being surrounded by great peers who challenge me to think in ways I never would’ve imagined. They challenge me to go beyond my preconceived beliefs and look at stories through another perspective. Through the class discussions, I was able to think beyond the traditional expectations of what a woman should be that shaped due to the misogynistic ideals I was raised around. While reading about the feminist critical theory, I was able look at Cinderella as something far beyond a simple Disney movie. I found the many double standards that women were held to in comparison to men and the countless quotes detailing the value in beautiful and fair women not strong or intelligent women. I walked away from the unit with confidence that I could shape my own beliefs and morals as I began to think for myself.

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

I believe there is great power granted to those who can think for themselves instead of following preordained beliefs from others. I never thought of myself as a follower until recently, I saw how easily my opinions changed depending on who I was speaking to. Reading about the critical theories and applying them to the Cinderella myths has challenged me to look at literature in ways I never would’ve thought to interpret them with. Though I wouldn’t say I’m spectacular at it quite yet, I feel as though this lesson has helped me shape my own world view.

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