Monday, November 8, 2021

Ryan Sliger, Period 8, 11/8/21

 Ryan Sliger

Period 8


Goal Setting & Growth:

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

One specific goal that I have put in place for myself is to manage my time better.  The best way I have found to do this is by creating my own deadline for when things are due, prior to when they are actually due.  I found this method to be extremely helpful especially during college apps.  Knowing that the early action deadline was November 1st I made it a point to finish my common app essay by October 1st giving myself more than enough time for supplemental.  My next goal was to finish those supplementals by October 15th so I would have the rest of October to submit everything.

I realized that by setting an arbitrary deadline in my head I was significantly more inclined to do the work early and not leave everything for the last minute.  I found this deadline to be extremely helpful and it is the easiest way to finish all of my projects on time.  This is why I have started implementing this deadline into my everyday life.  Overall I believe that if I can find a way to manage my time even better I will be able to join even more extracurricular activities.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

One major way that I show resilience is by not switching tasks.  When I am working on my college information and then reach a point in which I am satisfied with them I switch.  I don't just decide to switch to playing video games just because one of my friends wants me to.  I will finish the supplemental essay, or other assignment that I am working on, and until that one task is done I wont do anything else.  I find this to be a very good way to work towards my goal of better time management because I will get distracted less easily.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me shows how little time management skills my generation has.  During the week before the November 1st Early action due date many people were stressed because they did not finish all of their college stuff.  If they had properly managed their time they would be a lot less stressed and would not have to ask for alternate test dates or extensions for work.  This is why I believe that my time management skills are above average but I still need to improve them, as I finished my college applications later than I wanted to. Watching everyone’s stress has given me a new drive to finish my second set of college applications even sooner than the first set.

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