Wednesday, October 20, 2021

George Jejelava, Period 7, 10/6/21

 George Jejelava

7th Period


At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

I am a firm believer that people should constantly be working towards self-improvement in all aspects of life. While the Greeks may have cited hubris as the greatest evil, I believe that the worst thing we can be, as members of a cooperative society, is content with stagnation. This past summer I came to a rather sobering realization that I am a poor writer. While I can come up with original ideas, I often find myself unable to express them in an intelligent way. When school came around the corner and college applications started knocking at my door, I realized that if I wanted to get into a desirable school, I’d need to put some serious work into my writing. So, one goal that I set for myself is to improve my writing, particularly my story-telling ability. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

In my opinion, the fast track to becoming a better writer is to become a more avid speaker. By participating in a discussion-based class, I am challenged  to develop and evaluate my ideas on the spot, a key skill in writing efficiency. However, when trying to become a better writer, it is probably important to do some actual writing. To that end, I have been working on my essays for no less than 2 hours each day since September 1st. In order to maximize my productivity during these writing sessions, I split them up into 2 separate stretches, one hour in the morning before school, and one hour in the evening after school. It has often been difficult to force myself awake at 5:00 am to write school supplements, but I’ve found that if I can leave the comfort of my bed then I can set my mind to do anything. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

After making the commitment towards my goals, I’ve found myself heeding advice I receive from people, books, and media. If someone has a tip for how I can become more efficient or better at something I care deeply about, I’d be a fool to not hear them out. One such way that my habits have been impacted by advice has been implementing the 3 on, 2 off strategy into my writing. This strategy assumes that people, even for 30 minutes, are not 100% productive when approaching a task such as writing an essay. By writing down 1-2 sentences in 3 minutes and then leaving the computer for another 2 minutes, you can come back and review what you wrote with an almost fresh set of eyes. By repeating this method over the course of an hour, you can be just as productive, if not, more productive, than someone who has been working for one hour straight

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