Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Anna Lin, Period 8, 10/20/21

Anna Lin

Period 8


Modern Mythology 2022

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Amongst my many tried and few practiced hobbies, writing was something that stuck with me throughout the years. For what I lack in skill, I make up for in my pursuit of wordsmithing and the enhancing of the skill to show vivid emotions through black scribbles on white papers. However, inspirations are far and few in between, and when they do come, it is at moments when I am the busiest yet. At the current point in time, I find myself stuck in yet another one of these dilemmas where I’m torn between giving sway to my desire or staying focused on the tasks at hand: college applications and school assignments. Settling for a middle ground, I aim to balance my more important responsibilities and grant myself some time to indulge in my creative liberty. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

In order to best achieve and fulfill both ends of my goal, I’ve cut down on time I usually spent on leisurely activities such as gaming. Taking the opportunity, I’ve also rearranged my schedule and better accustomed it to my current workload, to ensure I have enough sleep to function properly during the daytime. This also helps me work on my “night owl” trait, which the progress hopefully retains well into the future even after I get through one of the most heavy workloads. The plan seems to be carried out swimmingly, as I’ve managed to cut down on up to three hours of gaming daily, and converted some of that time to writing for my personal enjoyment. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

As are many seniors applying for college this year, expectations are piled high upon us. Although it’s rightfully so, it’s only natural that the higher the expectations, the more the stress. My own parents have been constantly reminding me about the application processes and other responsibilities, even though they themselves have no time to research it up nor offer support on the subject. While it may be stressful to hear about the college application process on a daily basis, it is also important to recognize that your life itself has not been completely overtaken by the stress factor. Upon closer inspection, even during my “free time”, I’m haunted by the thoughts of college and assignments waiting for me to complete. This completely takes away the purpose of even having a break designated to spend time away from these topics.

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