Friday, May 14, 2021

Yana Polonskaya Pd 5 Day B Blog 3

 Yana Polonskaya

Period 5


Day B

Modern Mythology 2021

Goal Setting & Growth

  • At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

This upcoming summer marks the time for an extremely important transition in my life--from high school to college, from living at home to a much more independent lifestyle. With the end of the year approaching, I can’t help but think of the numerous things I still want to accomplish before going away. I’ve recently put together a “bucket list” of everything I want to learn/do before I leave for college; I’m hoping to have enough free time in these upcoming months to finish checking off the list. Reading books of my choice is at the top of the list--I used to love reading in my free time, but in recent years, I began to utilize this time to watch movies and TV shows instead. I’ve had a book list consisting of horror fiction and thriller book recommendations (my favorite genre) for years now, but unfortunately I never got around to starting any. I hope to get through at least 3 of the books by the end of the summer--though watching movies is always a great experience, nothing compares to the effect a good book has on my imagination, creativity, and overall state of mind. The next undertaking on my list has to do with dance. Dancing has always been my passion, but in recent years, I’ve also discovered my love for choreographing. I’ve had the opportunity to choreograph routines for our school’s dance team and dance gym, but I know I still have a lot of room to grow and develop as a choreographer. Over the summer, I hope to choreograph at least 2-3 routines that I can be proud of and potentially even teach to others. There’s no greater feeling than watching choreography come to life--each movement is an unspoken emotion, all coming together to tell a unique, personal story. Furthermore, I also hope to develop as a cook. I would love to be able to recreate popular recipes, potentially adding my own unique touch to them. I’ve always loved trying new foods and experimenting with flavor combinations. I also greatly enjoy sharing my favorite meals and restaurants with others. Moreover, cooking/baking helps calm my nerves whenever I get stressed, and it would certainly be a convenient skill to have in college. Throughout the summer, I plan on trying out a variety of recipes. My best friend recently got me a Trader Joe’s Cookbook which I will definitely be putting to use! Finally, the last item on my list has to do with a project I started last summer. I was a participant in the 2020 BlueStamp Engineering virtual summer program, and with their guidance, I was able to design a “Third Eye for Visually Impaired Dancers.” This device uses ultrasonic sensors and color sensors in order to alert a visually impaired performer of their distance from other dancers, as well as from the edge of a stage. However, the program ended before my device reached its final phase. This summer, I plan on implementing all the other ideas I had in mind. First off, I would work on making it wearable in a way that isn’t seen from the audience and doesn’t disturb the dancer, perhaps attaching the base to the back of a leotard and the color sensor to the back of a shoe. This project is extremely important to me, as it combines my passions for science and dance, and I definitely want to complete it in the upcoming months. 

  • How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Over the summer, without a set schedule in place, it’ll be entirely my responsibility to remain organized and manage my time appropriately. Starting to read during my free time will involve breaking habits, as I’ve unfortunately gotten used to watching TV rather than reading books. Choreographing routines will involve a lot of research and perseverance. Since I am not highly experienced, I am bound to experience choreographer’s block and I’ll have to learn how to overcome it. Perfecting recipes will entail a lot of research, patience, and trial and error. Finally, completing my device will be a lot more difficult without the assistance of my instructors. I am not entirely well versed as an engineer, so I would also have to do independent research, watch tutorials, and review scientific concepts. 

  • How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

There is constant pressure on students to choose a college major, a future career, a field to specialize in. We are categorized as either “STEM” or “Humanities”; the classes which we take, the extracurricular activities and internships which we choose all reflect our designated career path. In doing so, I found myself having less and less time to focus on all my small interests and hobbies. Everything I did soon enough revolved around either dance or science. However, I began to realize that there are so many sides of me that I haven’t been in touch with recently. I could continue developing as a dancer and a scientist while also maintaining my interests in cooking, engineering, choreographing, reading etc. In a society with people of so many various backgrounds, it’s important to stay curious and celebrate all our varied interests.

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