Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tiffany Zhu, 5/20/21, Period 8, Day C

Tiffany Zhu

Period 8


Day C

Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Currently, I am trying to study for my APs and hopefully score high enough that I will be able to obtain the credits for college. It is really difficult with graduation around the corner and senioritis really hit hard for me. I’ve begun to slack off a lot for my schoolwork. I used to finish all my work early but for the past few months I began to do everything at the last minute including this blog. That is all for academic goals but for myself. Being quarantined for a year and 2 months has been a struggle for me. Personally, I have not been vaccinated due to personal issues that are going on so I haven’t really been able to go out. Seeing all my friends hanging out with each other because they are vaccinated has made me feel very lonely. It isn’t really a big deal but I felt like my social life has taken such a toll. When everyone was quarantined my friends and I just simply hopped on to Discord to talk. Now that many of my friends are vaccinated, it's been hard to find time to talk to them. We still talk but it's a shame that I am unable to partake in these small gatherings. So the goal I set for myself is to be a little bit more patient because I will eventually see them and hope that the feeling of loneliness is temporary.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

For academics, I’ve mainly been doing practice problems for AP Government and AP Calculus. However, I have yet to start AP Biology since I need to finish some content review first. It's been a struggle to focus but I’ve been trying out different study methods in order to achieve the highest grade possible. As for my social life, I told myself to be a little more patient. I understand my parents' concerns about still going out, although it is a little disappointing that I will not be able to attend graduation and see my friends in general. So I’m patiently waiting for my parents to feel comfortable with me going outside and my vaccination. I’ve been going back to some old hobbies in an attempt to relieve my loneliness such as doing arts. Whenever I have the chance I try to hop onto a discord call and talk to my friends about life in general. I really do hope I am able to interact with my friends face to face before we move into college.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Like I mentioned many times, seeing my friends hangout has made me a little jealous. I want to also hangout with my friends but I also have to understand my circumstances. Although I may seem like I am the only one still quarantined, I know that someone one out there is also experiencing the same thing. Instead of trying to dwell on my loneliness, I try to find new ways to keep myself active. Although friends play a huge role in my life, I also have to realize that sometimes it's okay to be lonely and try to find things I enjoy. This situation has caused me to be more understanding of others, sometimes my happiness is important but the people around me are too. 

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